Showing all 3 books
This includes thirty-five papers presented by eminent scholars at the Seminar. The reason for organizing this Seminar on Buddhism emanates, perhaps, from the ambitious quest for an integrated culture or mankind in transnational and comparative perspective, utilizing the inputs made by the various disciplines concerned.
This volume provides thus an international and interdisciplinary group with the backgrounds as Philosophy, Religion, History, Sociology, ...
Buddhism believes that inward extinction of the self and the senses culminates in a state of illumination beyond suffering and existence which seem to be inseparable. While leading the common people to achieve the state of illumination, the Great Master also touched upon cosmology or the study of the Universe. For almost two thousand years, his words on cosmology, better known as Lokaprajnapti of Prajnapti Sastra, were available only in Chinese and Tibetan ...
Contents: Volume I. Foreword. Preface. Key to transliteration. Inaugural address/Hyosuke Yasui. Keynote address/Geshe Nawang Samten. Special address/Fritis Staal. Presidential address/S.K. Somaiya. 1. Yoga in Buddha Dharma and Abhidharma/Amara Srisuchat. 2. Abhidharma texts in Chinese and in Tibetan/Anandamayee Ghosh. 3. Buddhism in Campa/Anne-Valerie Schweyer. 4. Mechanism of Vipassana/Angraj Chaudhary. 5. Understanding of Dhamma through a disciplined mode of ...