Mridula Mukherjee

Showing all 7 books
The story of the forging of contemporary India, the world’s largest democracy, is a rich and inspiring one. This volume, a sequel to the authors’ best-selling India’s Struggle for Independence, analyses the challenges India has faced and the successes it has achieved over the last five decades, in the light of its colonial legacy and century-long struggle for freedom. In doing so, it shows how unique the Indian experience is in the Third World—combining ...
This extremely important book is a major intervention in theoretical debates regarding the role of peasants in revolutionary transformations in the modern world. It does so from the vantage point of the Indian anti-colonial national revolution--a revolution based on a strategy of non-violent action in which the central role was assigned to the peasants. The book also questions certain elements of the Marxist understanding of the peasantry, while appreciating many ...
The myth that Punjab was an exception to the general run of colonial underdevelopment and that it was a favoured child of the British Government, was carefully cultivated by colonial officials, concerned about the loyalty of the people of Punjab since it was a major recruitment base for the British Indian army. That the initial success of the Green Revolution occurred in the late 1960s in the Indian province of Punjab further strengthened this notion of ...
RSS, School Texts and the Murder of Mahatma Gandhi : The Hindu Communal Project undertakes the novel experiment of juxtaposing three apparently quite different issues, the nature of the RSS school textbooks, the murder of the Mahatma and the basic Hindu communal ideology as articulated by Savarkar and Golwalkar. While deeply delving into all three aspects, it brings out the interplay among them. The book brings home to us in a dramatic manner the threat ...
This book is a comprehensive study of the nationalist movement and politics in Orissa during the 1920s. It examines the national movement in the late nineteenth century and the first two decades of the twentieth century prior to the launch of the civil disobedience movement by focusing on the regional peculiarities, especially the Oriya linguistic and cultural identity movement. Based on extensive research, it reflects upon the emergence of a class of new ...
This book is a detailed study of the different facets of the Indian National Movement in Orissa during the phase between the Civil Disobedience Movement and the Quit India Movement. It documents the role of different social groups during that period along with the social reach of these movements. It gives considerable weightage to the study of peasants and tribals and their relationship with the nationalist politics. Vocalizing Silence: Political Protests in ...