Showing all 4 books
Hujjat Allah al-Balighah is one of the master works of Shah Wali Allah of Delhi, an important Muslim thinker of pre-modern South Asia. This work originally written in Arabic represents a synthesis of the Islamic intellectual disciplines authoritative in the 18th century. In order to argue for the rational, ethical and spiritual basis for the implementation of the hadith injunctions of the prophet Muhammad, Shah Wali Allah developed a cohesive schema of the ...
Dr Muhammad al-Ghazzali, has devoted many years to a careful, painstaking and perceptive study of Shah Wali Allah. The present work is the outcome of that effort and is focused on Shah Wali Allah’s socio-political thought. The author has made a serious attempt to relate it to the various stands has been achieved by the translation of those portions of Wali Allah’s writings which pertain to socio-political matter. One of the services rendered by this ...