Muhammad Moinuddin Khan

Showing all 18 books
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian Desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allahs last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and compassion ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian Desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian Desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian Desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam, as a faith is a complete code of life. It tells its followers how to lead a happy and prosperous life, here and hereafter. Almighty Allah's last and final Prophet, Muhammad (Pbuh) preached a good for all times religion in this world over 1400 years back in the Arabian Desert. When the Prophet (Pbuh) opened his eyes in this world, the land of Arabia was completely engulfed in inhuman and utterly barbarous practices. There was no room for mercy and ...
Islam calls for benevolence, mercy, kindness, peace and love in all walks of life, strata of society, creed or colour. The economy, considered to be the backbone of society, is no exception nor are day-to-day activities pertaining to economic and financial matters. Here also, Islam insists on human welfare. Therefore, Islam strictly prohibits any kind of interest in any transaction, especially fees for lending money on specific terms. Similarly, investment in ...
Islam is a religion focusing on benevolence and well-being of mankind. In the very beginning of the Holy Quran, Allah, the Almighty, teaches man to ask Him for the straight path-a path which is free of extremes, because going to the extreme is always injurious and harmful. Similarly, scarcity of any thing creates problems in life. Keeping this in view, Islam talks of a middle path.Islamic banking refers to a banking activity consistent with the rules and ...
Islam considers business and trade to be the best mode of earning. And, among the different types of trade, Halal business is recommended as the best by Islam. Money earned through hard work and fair means is full of benefits. On the one hand, hard work is vitalizing and keeps the body active and ready to work; on the other hand, it promotes a healthy life. During the time of the Prophet (Pbuh), people would go from city to city in groups (called carvans) to ...
Islam does not merely have a set of religious injunctions, but also a perfect system, based on do's and don'ts, which determine a safe and secure system of life. As far as economics is concerned, Islam strongly suggests interest-free banking. Decentralization of money is another important principle. Money earned through honest and fair means has a number of benefits, which can only be experienced. As for modes of earning, Islam prefers business and ...
As per Islamic law, partnership is categorized as consisting of two kinds: proprietary and commercial. Since commercial transactions take place in day-to-day life, it is dealt with in detail in this book. Commercial partnership can be further divided into mufawada, which can be translated as unlimited authority partnership, and inan, which can be equated with limited partnership. Similarity of religion among partners is mandatory under mufawada, but under inan ...
Islam as a faith and as a system is relevant for all times. Amongst a number of issues dealt with by Islam, the economy is an important one, especially as in running a smooth and peaceful life, it plays a pivotal role. In general, the term 'economy' means: careful management of resources, production of goods, consumption, services, and supply of money. Economy can broadly be categorized into income, expenditure and business transactions. The basis of the ...