Showing all 3 books
This unique work presents for the first time an up-to-date comprehensive study of Qatar's earliest civilization. It synthesizes a wide spectrum of data brought to light by the archaeological surveys and excavations conducted during the past decades by several teams from abroad and national and includes both published and a lot of unpublished material. Profusely illustrated, the book, in 10 Chapters, a Bibliography and an Index, an outcome of several years' ...
This work presents for the first time a comprehensive study of the rock art of the entire Arabian Peninsula, covering five States where it has been recorded. Major portion of the book is covered by Saudi Arabia owing to abundance of material and vastness of the country. In fact, this is the first comprehensive book on Saudi Arabia's rock art covering and reviewing all the regions and describing stylistic traditions to be found there. The book, besides presenting ...
The origin of writing in Ancient Arabia has received no treatment in extenso by the scholars. The origin of alphabetic writing in Arabia is still subject of controversy and an open problem. Several epigraphists and philologists have propounded pre-assumed theories by looking from one side of the picture that writing migrated to Arabia from out side. But they have not considered the point from the other side-the possibility of the origin within Arabia itself. ...