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The horrific nature of the attacks of 11 September enabled the United States to mobilize widespread international support on 12 September, the UN security council approved resolution 1368, effectively authorizing the use of force in response to the events of 11 September. All major powers, including China, denounced the attacks. NATO invoked articles 5 provisions, defining the attacks on United States as an attack on all members of the alliance. However, US ...
As people define their identity in ethnic and religious terms, they are likely to see an “us†versus “them†relation existing between themselves and people of different ethnicity and religion existing between themselves and people of different ethnicity and religion. The end of ideologically defined state in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union permits traditional ethnic identities and animosities to come to the fore. Differences in culture and ...
Terrorism is an international problem a state of terror created by the terrorists in order to force and blackmail nationals and governments. Terrorism is the threat of violence designed primarily to instill fear of the terrorist. In classical "Just war" theory, war is conducted between armies who recognize the legitimacy of targeting enemy, but limit violence against civilian. Terrorism, on the other hand is violence, violence against civilians. ...