Mushirul Hasan

37 books
Millions in India have long been obsessed with the vicissitudes of the Nehru–Gandhi family’s fate. Inextricably linked to the ups and downs of their lives was the future of the nation itself. It was Jawaharlal Nehru’s leadership that guided India onto the world stage as a modern nation.
Despite the varied scholarship of Nehruvian studies, one important aspect-the experiences of the Nehrus in prison during the national movement-has received only ...
In its most brutal form, the prison in British India was an instrument of the colonial state for instilling fear and dealing with resistance. Exploring the lived experience of select political prisoners, this volume presents their struggles and situates them against the backdrop of the freedom movement. From Mohamed Ali, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the Nehru family, and Gandhi, to communists like M.N. Roy-we get a vivid glimpse of their lives within the confines of ...
This book is an edited and annotated translation of Tarikh-i-Yusufi by Yusuf Khan Kambalposh (c. 1830-90) who travelled to several places in north Africa and Europe. Translated for the first time from Urdu to English, it describes in detail the socio-economic conditions of Europe and contrasts it with the conditions in areas under European control. By highlighting this duality of approach with respect to the colonies, this translation reverses the gaze and ...
Coinciding with the centenary year of what is now known as New Delhi, this collection of documents illuminates the infant capital's evolution between the years of 1911 and 1914. It includes letters, reports, and memoranda that describe the initial hurdles encountered - administrative, financial, legal, military, and interest group-based - in establishing a new capital city. By bringing together official government correspondence, this volume captures some of the ...
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, commonly remembered as Maulana Azad, rose to prominence through his work as a journalist, publishing works critical of the British Raj in the early 1920s. A powerful writer and an equally timulating orator, his sway over the Muslim communities was considered a threat by the government which looked for every opportunity to clip his wings and restrain his activities. But Azad took these tribulations gracefully and came to play a very ...
In India, the debate around social development has sharpened with the arrival of neoliberalism, which has widened the gulf between the rich and the poor. The India: Social Development Report 2012 (SDR 2012), prepared by the Council for Social Development, evaluates the life conditions of Indian citizens by assessing social developmental indicators-political, social, and cultural. Instead of focusing solely on economic growth, it treats social development as a ...
The nature of Muslim knowledge concerning the West through travel accounts makes for fascinating reading. The eighteenth-century encounters of Munshi Ihtisamuddin and Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, embedded in their travelogues, however, seem very distant and less urgent. With Syed Ahmed, however, begins an entirely new phase with his interplay between Muslims and the West, on the one hand, and between Islam and Christianity, on the other. Even though his portrait of ...
The Parsee Punch made its mark as the only illustrated comic weekly paper in the Bombay Presidency. It was published in July 1854 at the Apyakhtiar Press by Dadabhai Soheri from 12 Elphinstone Circle, Fort, Bombay. Parsee Punch appeared in four sheets, demy quarto, with English and Gujarati letter-press below the illustrations. Soon, a monthly selection of the cartoon, cuts and sketches appeared as the 'Pickings.' Like the London Punch, it contained 24 to 36 ...
This book documents the life of Right Livelihood awardee Asghar Ali Engineer, a well-known reformist and activist, counted among the 500 topmost Islamic scholars of the world today. Beginning from his childhood, this autobiography chronicles his tireless efforts for communal harmony and national integration since his student days and provides readers with important insights into various communal riots through his investigations in post-Independent India. In his ...
This omnibus presents a unique perspective of travel writing by Indians describing Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This completely unexplored theme provides the missing link in the east-west paradigm. Whereas the other aspect of the western perspective on Indian civilization has been studied for quite sometime, the descriptions of this omnibus invert this image and show Europe in the eyes of the Indian traveller during the arrival of ...
This project started almost eight years ago. We look back with satisfaction and quiet sense of pride at the six handsome volumes that have appeared. Through these volumes, the editor has succeeded in dispelling the many myths and stereotypes about Indian Islam and Muslims in South Asia. They certainly add to the otherwise scarce historical literature on the history of Islam in South Asia.This volume, the last in the series, concerns itself with India's ...
Volume Title:Moderate or militant : images of India's Muslims; From pluralism to separatism : qasbas in colonial Awadh; A moral reckoning : Muslim intellectuals in nineteenth-century Delhi; Legacy of a divided nation : India's Muslims since independence.
On the life and works of Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari, 1880-1936, Indian politician and physician.
Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion and the second largest after Christianity. There are an estimated 1.57 billion followers of Islam spread across the globe accounting for one out of every four persons and representing diverse social and cultural traditions.Yet, surprisingly, little is known about them and their contribution to the communities they live in either as native citizens or immigrants. This lack of awareness, partly a result of paucity ...
One of the five pillars of Islam, Hajj (literally ‘effort’) is the largest annual pilgrimage in the world stretching back to the time of the Prophet (seventh century ad) and even earlier. Before the age of organized travel, the journey spread across sea, deserts and mountains was perilous to say the least. Nonetheless, the hajjis (pilgrims) trivialized the dangers in the knowledge that they would soon enter the House of God.Translated and introduced ...
Among the Asian countries, Turkey has been in the forefront of the debates on east-west relations. From the time of the Tanzimat, the rise of the west was closely scrutinized and interpreted in multiple ways until Mustafa Kemal Pasha's, major and decisive project of westernization triggered more intensive debates. These continue to figure in Turkey's public discourses. In the eight lectures delivered at Jamia, Halide' Edib expounds the idea of the ...
My Life: A Fragment, authored by Mohamed Ali, reflects the fears, anxieties and aspirations of many educated Muslims who lived through the first two decades after the death of Syed Ahmad Khan in 1898. It is also an important personal statement, a document of deep religious feeling which serves to illuminate Mohamed Ali’s inner self-awareness of Islam. For this reason, his book invites comparison with other texts written around the same time in other countries ...
This important work analyses the current condition of India's polity and its relationship with Muslims. It also provides new information on India's Muslims before and after Independence. Professor Hasan looks at the origins of Muslim separatism under the British, at the making of partition, and at the meanings of these for a host of Muslim communities, families and individuals. His book examines the establishment of the 'Nehruvian consensus' -- with its secular ...
This is a painstakingly researched and passionately written account of the ideas and movements that constitute the Indian Muslim’s experiences over the last two centuries. Divided into five sections, the book analyses the complex processes of identity formation, the politicization of Islam, and the demand for a separate Muslim nation. Part I with its three studies, subjects the idea of a single, unified and inalienable Muslim identity to a critical, penetrating ...