Showing all 3 books
English enjoys the status of the World Language. No other languagehas ever scaled this height. It is the language that encompasseseverything in the world. It is used and cherished by millions whosemother tongue is not English. Spoken English, as a naturalcorollary to that, has become an important tool in out hands today.Without mastery over it, the gateway to success will remain adistant dream in today's globalised market.
Command on any language depends ...
The third edition has corrected large number of Typographical and Calculation errors in the Second Edition. Some additions and alterations in some of the chapter have been made. Detail analysis of Prestressed Concrete Dams, Piles and Poles have been included with additional Examples in Chapter -10. A new chapter on Prestressed Concrete bridges has been added as Chapter-14, which specifies the important provisions of Bridge design as given in ...
This book on Reinforced Concrete has been comprehensively revised with a view to make it more suitable for the updated syllabus of various Technical Institutes and Engineering Colleges of different Universities. More stress has been given to the Limit State Method of Analysis which is based on the ultimate strength of the structures. More examples on Limit State Method of Analysis and Design have been included. Limit State Method of Design has ...