N Jayaram

Showing all 10 books
Sociology of education is defined as a sociological study of the institutions and processes of education, on the one hand, and the relation between education and the other facets of society, on the other. This book provides an introduction to this subject and analyses of various themes under its umbrella by focussing on education in India.
The nineteen chapters here are organised under five parts. Part I introduces sociology of education, analyses the relation ...
This collection explores the nature and manifestation of institutional and socio-cultural diversities among the large Indian diaspora. In doing so it provides a comparative framework for understanding India out of India. It studies Indian communities formed during the colonial era the so-called old diaspora (in Malaysia Mauritius and Trinidad) and those formed largely after Indias independence the so-called new diaspora (in Canada Israel and the USA). The book ...
The study of the Indian diaspora has emerged as a rich and variegated area of multidisciplinary research interest. Among the disciplines contributing to this field of immense theoretical import, sociology has been at the forefront. This volume brings together nine seminal articles by well-known scholars dealing with empirical reality of the Indian diaspora and the theoretical and methodological issues raised by it. Between them they cover a variety of important ...
The idea of civil society re-emerged in the public sphere in Europe during the 1980s. The intellectual threads of the political developments there were picked up elsewhere in the world, including India, where a vigorous debate ensued on the meaning and relevance of civil society. This volume provides the first sociological articulation of an Indian perspective on the discourse by locating it in the context of the historical experience of India, and the ...
This volume contains 31 reminiscences by colleagues, friends and kin who were associated with the late V.K.R.V. Rao during his life-time, particularly in his life-long mission to nurture social science in the country and build centres of excellence in social science research. It is a tribute to his memory on the occasion of his centenary and focuses mainly on the third and final Institution, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore that Prof. Rao ...