N.K. Behura

Showing all 6 books
The traditional Indian social system has been changing very fast because of the steadily engulfing forces of modernization, urbanization, industrialization and other such processes. It has drastically affected the rural family structure in general and the age-old Indian joint family system in particular. In urban fringes the joint family system has been disintegrated to a large extent and therefore, the social and economic significance of this institution has ...
Street children can be considered as one of the by-products of the urbanisation process in developing countries. These children are to struggle very hard for their survival on the streets in very highly competitive environments, otherwise they fall prey to the public or even to their own parents also. Their childhood is seized, they are abused and their labour is greatly exploited for the benefit of others. In this book an attempt has been made to present a ...
The present publication comprises a medley of anthropological research papers written at different periods of time and published in distinguished journals. The main objective of collating the articles is to provide advanced anthropology students certain recipe regarding current socio-cultural problems. It is hoped that this assortment of ethnographic, analytical, conceptual and theoretical issues, covering a wide range of subjects in the present array of papers ...
Life without male or female cannot be thought of. Therefore they are considered as the two sides of the same coin. But surprisingly in many great traditions of the world, they are not considered as equal and in a poor and tradition-bound country, like India, gender inequality has been a major inherent social problem since the hoary past. In patrilineal societies they are treated as subservient to their male counterparts and are discriminated in many fronts in ...
India harbours multiple ethic groups who have distinct socio-cultural identities. It is one of the nation-states in the world, which has provided elaborate preferential arrangements for the tribals. The tribal communities in India are at different levels of socio-economic development. In view of the deep-rooted historic reasons, which have caused the backwardness of these communities, the Indian Union as well as states are committed to ensure the implementation ...
The principal theme of the book makes a humble attempt in analyzing various aspects of theory as well as methods in anthropological economics or economic anthropology. The core concept delineates the economic field and distinguishes between formal and substantive rationality while interpreting economies of pre-industrial communities. The book put special attention on economic phenomena, economic transactions, economic relations, etc., of tribal societies of ...