N P Agarwal

Showing all 14 books
Accounting plays a vital role in the complex competitive business environment. The management requires a steady stream of timely financial information in order to make effective and sound decision and effectively controlling operations. A knowledge of the accounting process and an ability to work with financial information are highly important for the businessmen.This book is an attempt to provide a means of systematic study of the subject matter in a lucid style ...
Mathematics and Statistics is widely used in all business organizations for decision making process. With the help of mathematical and statistical techniques, the researcher can make objective decisions of business problems. The present book has been written in a lucid style using simple language. The book describes various techniques of mathematics and statistics after a detailed discussion of assumptions and limitations.· The main features of the book ...
Business is a game of risk. The word risk includes the possibility of loss. It arises out of uncertainty that goes with business. Hence, profit earning is the main objective of each business. In the business system all activities such as accounting, financing, and selling and marketing are performed. The present book has been written after a detailed discussion of assumptions and limitations of business system.The main features of the book are as follows:· ...
Human Resource Management is an essential function of management. It is the function within an organization focuses on recruitment, management and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. It also deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training of the employees. The present book has ...
Operations Production Management is an important activity for a business organization. It is concerned with the conversion of input into output by using physical and manual resources. The input and output could be non-physical such as "information" but the conversion process uses physical resources in addition to other non-physical resources. The management of the use of physical resources for the conversion process distinguish operations production ...
The book describes how the corporate vector may report environmental issues and what the auditor should examine in this regard. Environmental auditing, inter-relation of value added and environmental audit, environmental accountability, pollution control, environmental accounting and various issues of environmental reporting have been discussed in detail in the present book.
The enunciation of New Economic Policy in 1991 has embarked India on the road of globalisation through deregulation and privatisation. This shifting from command economy to market-oriented economy has created a conducive environment for foreign companies to participate and establish new projects in India. In this environment, social and quantitative aspects of project management require special attention of entrepreneurs, industrialists, management and the ...
In the post-WTO environment, the field of financial management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Today, financial management is one of the most vital and critical area of corporate management. The subject-matter of financial management is also changing at a rapid pace and approach to Advanced Financial Management has shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the managerial functional problems of investment, financing and ...
In the post-liberalisation environment, the subject of budgetary control has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Now-a-days, budgetary control is one of the most vital and critical areas of business management. The contents of budgetary control are also changing at a rapid pace and quantitative techniques are also incorporated in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic cost control to the total cost control and cost ...
In the present day 'competitive environment' every organisation has to improve its profitability and productivity in comparison to its competitors. The profitability of an organisation in the sort-run as well as in the long-run very much depends on the selection, implementation and control of capital projects undertaken by the organisation. Therefore, capital budgeting decisions are very much related with the success and growth of every organisation specially ...
In the post-liberalising environment, the subject of financial management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Now-a-days, financial management is one of the most vital and critical areas of business management. The contents of financial management are also changing at a rapid pace and new issues are emerging in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the functional management.
In the post-liberalisation environment, the subject of working capital management has become far more complex than what it was in the last century. Today, working capital management is one of the most vital and critical areas of financial management. The contents and subject-matter of working capital management is also changing at a rapid pace and new issues are emerging in it's field which have shifted emphasis from the episodic financing to the functional ...
Pharmacy Practice is the branch of pharmaceutical science where all experiments are made on the basis of basic research. In pharmacy practice manufacturing and trading of drugs are involved. These activities are performed with the help of planning, organizing, direction, coordination and control which are the branches of management and are essentially used in each pharmaceutical business organisation. In the present book all elements of Pharmacy Practice such as ...
The book describes such techniques of business mathematics which are very useful in business. All the techniques of business mathematics have been described after a detailed discussion of assumptions and limitations. Each chapter have been explained with graded examples which may be applied in the real world for better management and decision-making of all the business organisations.