N P Balakrishnan

Showing all 7 books
Contents: Acknowledgements. Contributors & Editors. Abbreviations of Languages. List of Illustrations. 1. Loranthaceae. 2. Viscaceae. 3. Santalaceae. 4. Balanophoraceae. 5. Buxaceae. 6. Euphorbiaceae. 7. Daphniphyllaceae. Index to Botanical name. Index to common names.
The genus Euphorbia, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, is unique among flowering plants due to the peculiar highly evolved inflorescence called cyathium, which is found only in this genus and a few of its allied genera. For India, the only treatise available now for the genus covering the entire country was published about 120 years ago by J.D. Hooker for Flora of British India (Vol. 5, 1887). Since then except for some regional works, none has attempted a ...
Seagrasses are marine plants belonging to two monocotyledonous families, Hydrocharitaceae and Potamogetonaceae. Being the only submerged marine angiosperms to have very successfully adapted to survive in the saline environment, these form a very fascinating group of plants. They are distinct from the members of the grass family Poaceae and should not be confused with them. Of the 52 species of seagrasses available in both tropical and temperate waters around the ...
"The first comprehensive book on the family Eriocaulaceae, popularly known as Pipeworts complete with descriptions and illustrations was the result of efforts of the authors for several years. The book was originally published in 1994 as a taxonomical monograph of 65 Indian species of the genus Eriocaulon Linn. with eight new species and five new names attributing specific status to the infraspecific taxa of earlier workers. The present edition includes 16 ...
Euphorbiaceae is a complex hetero-geneous family consisting of about 322 genera and 8900 species in the world. In India, this family is represented by 73 genera and 410 species. The family is essentially tropical and occurs in diverse habitats from arid regions to humid tropics. As a result, the plants of this family have developed various life forms from herbs, shrubs, stunted succulents to tall canopy trees. Several important economic as well as medicinal ...