Showing all 4 books
We have great pleasure in presenting to the world of scholars the first part of the first volume of the Krsna-Yajurveda—Taittiriya—Samhita (Kanda I Prapathakas 1-4) with critically edited texts of the commentaries of Bhatta- Bhaskara Misra and Sayanacarya thereon.
The project of the present publication was contemplated long long ago in 1944, when the fourth volume of the critically edited text of S2Eyana’s commentary on the Rgveda was in press. ...
Nyayakusumanjali, one of the most important author-works of the Nyaya philosophy is composed by Udayanacarya, the great ancient Indian thinker, commentator, author and a master-stylist in recondite Sanskrit prose. This work is one of the two major magna opera of Udayanacarya, the other being Amatattvaviveka, which is wholly devoted to a thorough criticism of all the basic doctrines of Buddhism. Unlike Amatattvaviveka, Nyayakusumanjali is primarily concerned with ...
The topic of Paksata is a unique contribution of neo-Indian logicians to a psycho-epistemological analysis of the nature of the minor term in inference. Giving a technical twist to the commonly-accepted meaning of the term, Raghunatha Siromani, the greatest Indian logician, has construed this meaning in terms of the definition of what may broadly be called a psychological condition of inference. The simple commonsensical fact that a non-inferentially ...
This is a voluminous philosophical treatise in Sanskrit which seeks to defend the Nyaya Vaisesika conception of self by critically examining and refuting the Buddhist doctrine of Universal momentariness, unreality of the objective world and so on that are directly or indirectly opposed to the reality of self. As a work of unrelenting and sustained polemics, Atmatattvaviveka ha no parallel in the philosophical literature of India or the West. Udayanacarya the ...