Showing all 3 books
The Bhattatantrarahasya of Khandadeva (17th c.) belongs to the Bhatta school of Mimamsa. It deals mainly with the meaning of roots and suffixes, and their role in conveying the meaning of the sentence. Though this is a topic of grammar, it is widely discussed in Nyaya and Mimamsa works as well. The Bhattatantrarahasya is divided into two parts. The first part begins with the definition of dharma, the main concept of Mimamsa, and then deals at length with the ...
The Tattvacintamani, or Jewel of reflection on the Truth (about epistemology), is the sole composition left us by the great fourteenth century Indian logician Gangesa Upadhyaya. With this foundational text Gangesa solidified the "New" (navya) phase of the long-running school of epistemology and metaphysics known in India as nyaya. The present work is a translation of the perception chapter (Pratyaksa-khanda) of this important text. The authors have ...
This book presents a readable translation and philosophic commentary on a crucial and difficult text of Navya Nyaya and classical Indian logic. The inferential undercutter's significance is explained within the context of Nyaya's theory of knowledge, which had wide influence in the late classical culture, from philosophy to jurisprudence and aesthetics. Gangesa, the commonly recognized founder of "New Logic," is shown here to be an epistemologist and ...