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In this book, the methods adopted by traditional scholars for the study of World's religions have been examined with a view to suggesting a more rigorous methodology for it. While recognizing the pioneering efforts of Western scholars like the missionaries, academic men and civil servants, it has been found that most of their approaches suffer from parochialism, Eurocentrism and from what the author calls 'the elder brother complex'.
The author rejects the ...
The volumes of the PROJECT ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE IN INDIA CIVILIZATION aim at discovering the main aspects of India’s heritage and present them in an interrelated way. In spite of their unitary look, these volumes recognize the difference between the areas of material civilization and those of ideational culture. The project is not being executed by a single group of thinkers and writers who are methodologically uniform or ...
The languages and forms of philosophical and religious expression have been many and colourful and not to get acquainted with the great texts and classics of one's tradition would amount to doing great injustice to the proper understanding of one's heritage. It has also become very imperative for mutual understanding among peoples that very should be well informed about the cultures of one another through reading and understanding of their rich purpose authentic ...