Showing all 2 books
Steel Structures: Design and Practice serve as an invaluable textbook for students and reference for practising engineers, who are unfamiliar with the limit state design of steel structures.A perfect blend of theory and practice, the book provides an extensive coverage of the design of steel structures in accordance with the latest code of practice for general construction in steel (IS 800 : 2007). The book is based on the modern limit state approach to design ...
"Without a sense of humour the world would have gone to blazes long ago." -Shri Aurobindo. True, humour plays a great role in the lives of people. In this stressful atmosphere of modern world, humour is necessary to break the monotony and to inject a fresh air of enthusiasm. This collection of jokes present humour to the seekers of pleasure and have them enjoy spells of laughter. The jokes have been generated from Rotary Club meetings and magazines like ...