Nagendra Kr Singh

42 books
This encyclopaedia is vast collection of essays of more than thousand renowned Jaina scholars, philosophers, historians, sociologists of the world dealing with various aspects of Jainism: historical evolution of Jainism, Jain religio-philosophical tradition, tradition of Tirthankaras, monks, nuns and Shravakas, myths and legends, ethics and values, social system, political philosophy, psychology, philosophy, religion, socio-economic aspects, cosmology, ethics, ...
In order to provide true and comprehensive picture of the Islamic dynasties ruled major part of the world, we have taken a vast project to compile a comprehensive encyclopaedia of all Islamic dynasties. Although several encyclopaedic works has been done, but very few of them has taken pen to project complete picture of the history of Islamic dynasties. Our effort will be first and foremost in this field. From the time of its inception, Islam first appeared in ...
This book is a mythico-historical analysis of pre- and post- Muslim conquest in India. It is classified into two parts--first part deals with the Muslim colonial centres in India before Muslim invasions, and second part throws light on the historicity of Muslim kingship after the establishment of Muslim dynasties in this country. Main emphasis has been given on the following aspects: theory of kingship in Islam, historicity of the Somrah dynasty, the rulers of ...
This multi-volumes is a pioneering attempt of learned scholars to bring together not only the prominent historical and mythical personalities of India but also provide a lavishly illustrated details about the biographical analysis scientists, philosophers, social activists, politicians, artists, writers, poets, novelists, educationists, freedom lighters, spiritual teachers, religious reformers, mystics, and saints, from beginning of civilization to present day in ...
Recent few decades have underscored the need for major reference works that provide immediate access to the great Muslim history makers of Indian Sub-continent. This multi-volumes Encyclopaedia of Muslim Biography: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh has been designed to meet that current requirement of biographical studies. This is a comprehensive biographical encyclopaedia of about 4000 eminent Muslims of Indian subcontinent from advent of Islam to present day. It ...
Though varied monographs, travelogues, historical and cultural documents has already appeared pertaining to Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh, the present monumental work in three volumes engrosses in itself rare informative reading material, authored by distinguished writers, regarding the great cultural heritage of this ancient beautiful land and its people.
This triple volumes "Encyclopaedia of Women biography: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh" has been designed to meet the current requirement of biographical studies. This encyclopaedia is a comprehensive biographical information of about 2000 eminent women of Indian subcontinent from the earliest time to present day. Entries in this encyclopaedia are alphabetically arranged, strictly letter by letter. To guide readers from one entry to related biography ...
This multi-volume Encyclopaedia of the world Scientists is a vast collection and compilation of the biography of the eminent world scientists from the beginning of civilization to contemporary world. Although several biographical works have been published in India and abroad, none of them is able to produce such a vast informative biography of prominent world scientists. The entries included in these volumes cover a wide range of competent by noted contributors. ...
From the view-point of religion, Bangladesh is mostly populated by Muslims. Islam was brought to Bengal by Muslim traders and traveling Sufi Saints. Hindus, Buddhists and others form the minority community. The material contained in this book thoroughly analyses the socio-religious scenario of Bangladesh. Topics like-Conversion to Islam; Crucifying Buddhists in Cittagong; Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims; Atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh; The atrocities; ...
Encyclopaedia of Bangladesh is a pioneering attempt by the reputed scholars to bring together not only the all aspects of the history and culture of Bangladesh but also provides factual details of the geographical features, philosophy, religion, socio-economic life of rural and urban people, history of politics and political developments, folk culture, art and architecture, literature, dance and drama, painting, and women and their socio-political status of ...
This multi-volumes encyclopaedia is a pioneering attempt to cover an in-depth and comprehensive information of life, philosophy and interpretation of eminent philosophers of the world since earliest time to present day. Philosophy has traditionally been the keenest critics of their own discipline. Hence, the idea of bringing out this Encyclopaedia for the first time is undoubtedly the noble endeavour of the editors which is timely and worth consideration. Here, ...
The Ahi-i-hadis Movement; Armed Revolution Chittagong in 1930; Bengali regionalism; Bengali Muslim in Pakistan Movement (1940-1947); Bengali nationalism and Language Movement; development of the Muslim Elites in Pre-partition Bengal; Colonial status of East Bengal; The Portuguese in Bengal; Shuja-ud-din Muhammad Khan; Siraj-Ud-Daulah; Struggle of Bengali Muslim Nationalism (1936-1947); Policy Problems of Bengal Muslim League (1946-1947); Elite Conflicts and ...
For Ambedkar saw religion not as a means to spiritual salvation of individual souls, but as a ‘social doctrine’ for establishing the righteous relations between man and man. Ambedkar’s philosophy of religion does not mean either theology or religion. Theology studies the nature, attributes and functions of God; whereas religion deals with things divine. Theology and religion may be linked together; but they are not philosophies. When we talk of philosophy ...
Bangladesh, having over three decade's existence as a nation-state in the comity of nations has chequered record in political and international front. This book analyses the entire gamut of politics and international relation. Theme like- International relations; Chinese intensity toward Bangladesh; Bangla- China relations: a perspective stud; Sino- Soviet rift on Bangladesh stand; Pakistan Bngladesh relations during Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif Regimes; Nixon ...
A Deltaic region formed by the great rivers-Brahmaputra, Meghna and Ganga, Bangladesh is a country of 55,134 sq.miles with a large population. India virtually surrounds the whole country on north; west and east while on its southeast is Myanmar. 'Aamar Bangla Sonar Bangla'-expresses the feeling of profound attachment of common Bengalis with their land. Bangladesh is a land with a proud history. As the name of the book suggests, this contains highly informative ...
Bangladesh is a land with a proud history. Nature has made its people soft and yet determined. Bengalis are scion of great cultural heritage. The present volume entitles Dynamic of Society in Bangladesh contains seventeen well written articles on Bangladesh's social issues. Major among these are socialism in Bangladesh; social structure of Bangladesh; rural local government; community development mechanism; urban local government; local power structure and ...
The most crucial determinant of foreign policy is the people, constitution of a nation whose attitudes reflecting the extent of their socio-economic and cultural development play a significant role in all policy matters. The present book on Bangladesh's diplomacy and foreign policy gives a categorical account of various crucial issues pertaining to the theme. The topics like Determinants of foreign policy: societal and geo-political compulsions; Bangladesh and ...
Some salient and inherent features of Bangladesh politics are portrayed here in the present book. Topics like - State formation and nation building; Provincial autonomy and Awami league; Reintroducing parliamentary system; the six point formula; Six point -programme: the definition of Autonomy: The strategic fall-out; The Third Intervention; Political consciousness among Muslims; Peripheral capitalism and planning; politico-administrative relation of social ...
The present book covers authoritative information on the following themes: Election Commission: Pre-Poll and Poll arrangement; Election in Pakistan (1958); Emergence of Constitutional Crisis in East and West Pakistan ; General Elections of Pakistan (1970); General Elections in East Pakistan; Left Politics in East Bengal; Jatiya Sangsad Elections in Bangladesh (1963-1979); Impact of Bengali Language Movement (1948-1952); Regional Disparity: One State, Two Nations; ...
Architectural legacy of Bangladesh; Architects of Bangladesh; Bengali literature and freedom movement; Bengali nationalism and language movement; East Pakistan Literature: A review; Language and culture of Bengali; Language movement; socio-cultural importance; Nazural Islam; Orientation of thought in Bengali literature; A poetic image of Shahid Minar; Religion, language and nationalism; Bangaldeshi mentality; A centre of education; Consensus on national identity; ...
As a obvious from the name of the title the present book gives and elaborate account of Bangladesh Constitution, Law and Justice. The major topics contained herein are -The Constitution of East Pakistan(1956); Abrogating Constitution and Declaring Martial Law (1962); Constitutional Department (1972-1982); Constitution of Bangladesh; Constitutional Aspects; The First Constitution Based on the 6-Point Formula, The Sea's Law; The Judiciary; The Domestic ...
South-eastern Bengal seems to have preserved an independent entity in its political affairs from very early period. Here in this book an attempt is made to weave an authoritative history of illustrious ancient dynasties those ruled Bangladesh. Major topics dealt herein are: Ancient dynasties of Bangladesh (East Bengal); Husain Shahi dynasty (1493-1538); Ilyas Shahi dynasty; Islam Khan: ruler of Bengal (1608-1613); Bengal under Afghan rule; Bengal under the Balban ...