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The value and importance of your thoughts are incalculable because your success and happiness depend on them. If you have an attitude that is appropriate to your objective, success is assured. It is essential for every individual to crystalise his or her vision in order to develop his or her own paradigm and path to success. Once you are clear on what you want to do in your life, your success will depend on how well you cultivate, improve or change your views ...
Fear is our worst enemy. If we let it terrify us, life will not be worth living. In fact, fear is nothing more than the expectation that something bad will happen. The opposite of fear is not courage, but simply the expectation that something good will happen. This is what we have to learnt. This book offers some simple ways to manage fears and live life to the full.
Many people feel that they are weighed down by duties, obligations and responsibilities. They don't realize that complaining about carrying out their duties is like complaining about having to eat. Eating is not only necessary, but can be a source of great pleasure. The same is true for performing our responsibilities. We actualize our potential by fulfilling our obligations, which leads to pleasure and happiness. This book offers some important tips on ...
A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as volcanic eruption, earthquake or landslide which affect human activities. Human vulnerability, exacerbated by the lack of planning or appropriate emergency management leads to financial, environmental and human losses. The resulting loss depends on the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster. Human history is replete with various type of natural disasters, some recent being ...