Showing all 4 books
Ambedkar, Dalits and Buddhism is a collection of Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Annual Lectures, including one special lecture, delivered by a number of scholars during the period 1995-2007. The thoughts and philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has inspired the toiling masses, particularly Dalits, to march ahead for self-liberation and development. Several distinguished social scientists, from India and abroad, have analysed his writings and contributions to the nation ...
The present Volume is part of the larger project titled Encyclopedia of Scheduled Castes in India being published in 5 Volumes. His volume covers entire Scheduled Castes in South India, numbering 322 (though their actual number comes only to 112, notified as separate Scheduled castes due to their notification in more than one states and synonyms, surnames, etc.) and distributed in all the four states of Andhra Pradesh, karnataka, kerala and Tamil Nadu, and the ...
This book, originally being introduction to the Encyclopaedia of Scheduled Castes in India, Volume 1-South India (2007), deals with genesis, growth and development of caste system in all the Southern States and Union Territory. It explicates the system of castes or caste like groups (segments of the earliest settled primitive population) found even during the pre-historic period and proceeds with explaining when, how and why such groups got transformed into caste ...