Showing all 7 books
A Handbook of Medicinal Plants (A Complete Source Book), is the first book of its kind. The book describes more than 1346 medicinal plants found in the world. The book includes vernacular names, description, distribution, part use, utilization, active principles, agronomic practices and colour plates (about 870 photographs). Separate chapters on organic farming, biofertilizers and biopesticides uses for sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants tips for ...
Around 5000 years before the Indian System of Medicine has given the message of Sarve santu niramayah. It shows the broad vision of our sages since ancient time. The Traditional Medicine is practiced in virtually all countries of WHO’s South-East Asia Region. Even in smaller countries such as Bhutan and Maldives, the science and the art of traditional medicine has been practiced through the ages. Traditional Medicine practitioners in the Region have provided ...
The publication of Agro's Dictionary of Medicinal Plants marks the birth of treatise covering about 4000 plants at one place. The major objective of launching this publication is not to replace other authoritative dictionaries/glossaries but to highlight the economic uses of medicinal plants along with their vernacular names. Medicinal plants have curative properties due to the presence of various complex chemical substances of different composition, which are ...
The aim of the Directory is to provide developing countries and economies in transition with a reference book of useful addresses that will help establish contacts with, and encourage a direct flow of information among organizations responsible for facilitating and promoting international trade. International directory of trade promotion organizations involved-trade promotion organizations, import promotion offices, chambers of commerce in principal business ...
The aim of the Directory is to provide developing countries and economies in transition with a reference book of useful addresses that will help establish contacts with, and encourage a direct flow of trade among buyers and suppliers. This directory will be useful for farmers, exporters, extractors, importers, seed production companies, scientists, consultants and other stack holders of medicinal and aromatics plants. Our trust is heartily thankful to all sources ...
A Marketing Directory of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, containing more than 25,000 address of various key players viz. cultivators, planting material suppliers, traders, manufactures, exporters, extractors, organizations, universities, prominent personalities and consultants. This attempt with a view of facilitate reader to get overall information about the sector would be very useful to all concerned.
The purpose of this book is to provide the theoretical and practical position of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world. This book is devided in three sections: Eco-friendly cultivation of medicinal and aromatic crops; Export data (2003) of selected medicinal and aromatic crops and Export promotion organizations and their activities. This book will be useful for farmers, exporters, extractors, importers, seed production companies, scientists, consultants and ...