Narendra Kumar

Showing all 23 books
Microbes and Sustainable Agriculture covers recent spate of research, highlighting the major role of microbes in agriculture sustainability. It explains the role of bacteria, cyanobacteria and fungi in diverse facets of agriculture to preserve the sustainability including arbuscular mycorrhizal association, microbial biopesticides, heavy metal resistant bacterial strains, herbicides for weed management, biochar and its role in soil fertility management and plant ...
India's higher education system, the third largest in the world, has been witnessing continuous systemic changes in terms of paradigm, pattern and perspective as a result of effect of actors including globalisation, privatisation and technological advancements. The articles in the volume by scholars and educationists deal with the status of higher education in India and the changing scenario in detail. They throw light on issues linked to India's higher education ...
At present, there are nearly 22 crore children in the relevant age group. However, 4.6 per cent of these children (nearly 92 lakh) are out of school. The school management committee or the local authority will identify the drop-outs or out of school children above six years of age and admit them in classes appropriate to their age after giving special training.The Act makes it a right of every child to get education and makes it obligatory for the appropriate ...
Seamus Heaney, b, 1939, Irish poet.
A useful and comprehensive A-Z Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Wild Life, this encyclopaedia provides all information on all aspects of wild life and zoology and concerned branch and it is especially created for the naturalists, geographers, students and other studying or working in related fields. Wild life-a branch of biology and concerned with study of animals is one of the very important constituent of life sciences. The scientific study of the living world as a ...
Currently, most people think that science and scientific inventions are the contribution of modern West. In fact, Ancient India has contributed to human civilization many scientific achievements. In the fields of astronomy, mathematics and medicine they perfected and mastered many systems. This book portrays the scientific achievements of ancient India in comprehensive way. We have chosen here ten topics to highlight the theme. Topics like-History of Excellence ...
Philosophy has generally been defined in ways which imply a certain totality, generality, and ultimateness of both subject matter and method. It has always been assumed that philosophy signified achieving a wisdom which would influence the conduct of life. Here in the present book, we have collected articles from authoritative sources. These are-Meaning of philosophy of education; Function of education in the biological record; The social inheritance; Population ...
What is philosophy? What is educational philosophy? How this evolved and developed all through the ages? What is the aim of education? These are some pertinent questions which needs elaborate explanation. Here in the present book, we have collected articles from authoritative sources. These are – Methodology for Educational Philosophy; The Nature of Philosophy; Philosophy, Education and Reflective Thinking; Speculative Philosophy; Existentialist: I and Thou; ...
Indian Publishing is one of the most under-rated intellectual enterprises in the country. Since the publishers are not demanding and believe in working without fanfare, they tend to be overlooked in the official scheme of things. Publishing does not find a place of honour in the cultural policy pronouncements of India. Above all. The publishing industry is now threatened with foreign invasion of unprecedented character. All this is being done in the name of ...