Narendra Malhotra
25 books
The development of high technology like ultrasound has literally produced a diagnostic revolution in Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the past, ultrasound had a minimal impact on the day-to-day practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology. However, in the present day, ultrasound is part and parcel of routine work for diagnostic as well as therapeutic value. This allows the obstetrician and gynecologist to look into the problems more precisely for better management. ...
The vulva presents complex clinical pathologies as it is composed of the hair-bearing skin and the inner lined mucosa. The skin and mucosa bearing the complex glandular tissues also contribute to the vulval pathology. New growths over the vulval and perineal skin are objectionable for disturbing the aesthetic appearance of the external genitalia and also producing coital problems. Varied surgical techniques of the benign pathologies of the vulva are presented in ...
There should be no place for a Complete Perineal Tear, which can be considered as an unwelcome outcome, in modern obstetrical practice. Horrifying though it may appear, domiciliary midwifery is still rampant in the subcontinent and the resulting complications are encountered in plenty. Even more distressing is the observation that these cases with complete perineal tears are forced to live with this perpetual incontinence for many decades for want of proper ...
Transverse vaginal septums may present at different levels depending on the developmental aberration. When the obstruction is complete and the patient starts menstruating the patient develops a haematocolpos and the subsequent management is simple. In patients presenting with concurrent primary amenorrhoea it becomes difficult to plan surgery because operating vaginally, the upper limit of the septum remains dubious and also there is inherent danger of injury to ...
Complete blockage of the hymen of the vaginal orifice is rare, occurring in approximately 0.05–0.1% of newborn girls. These patients go unnoticed at birth and present after the onset of puberty when the menstrual blood accumulates in the vaginal outlet tract and subsequently a haematotrachelos, haematometra and haematosalpinx develop following which accumulated blood can also be discharged into the peritoneal cavity. This condition requires an excision of ...
This volume-7 covers operations of uterine cervix: trachelorrhaphy and abdominal excision of cervical stump. Though not recommended by most authors, subtotal hysterectomies continue to be performed in the subcontinent.
The cervix left behind can be a seat of a subsequent pathology necessitating its removal. Infected ectropions of the cervix as a result of obstetrical cervical teras are not uncommon and demand repair of the tears. When these tears are deep enough ...
The book is enhanced by full colour illustrations and photographic reproductions. Special attention has been paid to the illustrations and photographs to make them more accessible and informative. The technical description is superb and to the point.
The book is enhanced by full colour illustrations and photographic reproductions. Special attention has been paid to the illustrations and photographs to make them more accessible and informative. The technical description is superb and to the point.
In the rapidly advancing age of technology and rapidly changing trends in management, diagnosis, drugs and procedures, it is of paramount importance to update books and manuals periodically. This book was earlier updated and edited (2008) by us as an international edition (Seventh edition), but soon the publishers felt the need for revising it within a span of five years. Authors have retained the description of Professor Jeffcoate’s original case ...
Vaginal agenesis is an uncommon condition, with an incidence ranging from 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 10,000. Congenital absence of uterus and vagina, also called müllerian agenesis or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, is the most common factor requiring creation of neovagina. Müllerian development is distinct from ovarian development and thus müllerian agenesis generally occurs without affecting the ovaries and normal external genitalia. The book is ...
The popularity of Principles and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Postgraduates has made us come out with the fourth edition. In the rapidly advancing field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, new techniques, new treatments and modifications are happening rapidly.
A postgraduate student has to read many references, journals, Internet updates to keep abreast with all the rapid changes.
This comprehensive multicontributor book, compiled by the members and the ...