Showing all 2 books
Indian painting is immensely varied in its subject matter and in how artists have handled their subjects. The past of painting in India goes back many hundreds of years and given the time span it is no wonder that there is such a great variety both in styles as well as in what has been depicted. Virtually every subject seems to have been covered somewhere in India and by one painter or other. Nevertheless the kinds of topics that have been presented fall into a ...
Geet Govinda -a superb lyrical Sanskrit poem of the 12th century composed by jaideva -has stirred the minds of the readers, artists, dancers and musicians to such frenzy that they themselves become the geet or song while reading, dancing, painting, acting or playing on their instruments. It manifested in almost all the disciplines of Indian fine arts. Geet Govinda contains twelve cantos that have twenty-four eight-stanza songs or ashtapadis which deal with the ...