Showing all 8 books
The Novel In Custody by Anita Desai is significant as Desai here explores the psyche of male protagonist outside the circumscriptions of familial ties and obligations. She makes a departure from her earlier obsessive preoccupation with the interior landscape of hypersensitive and neurotic women.Anita Desai’s In Custody: A Critical Appraisal attempts to decipher even the un-deciphered issues of the novel. It offers an exhaustive critical commentary on the ...
The present critical anthology on India-English drama is a welcome addition to the ever-increasing repertoire of the academic world. It contains some twenty-two papers on diverse authors, themes and trends. The authors treated in it are Girish Karnad, Mahesh Dattani, Badal Sircar, Rabindranath Tagore (chronologically) should have been placed first), and Vijay Tendulkar. The themes dealt with herein are myths and folk tales, religious propensity, social ...
Today Anita Desai is recognised for her originality, versatility and the indigenous flavour of her character-portrayal that she brings to her work. Her women characters are real flesh and blood protagonists who make you look at them with awe and with their relationships to their surroundings, their society, their men, their children, their families, their mental and psychological make-ups and themselves. The present book purports to be a pioneering attempt to ...
The recluse of Amherst, Emily Dickinson was one of the most original writers of nineteenth century America. Her brevity, compactness, conciseness, riddles, irony, ambiguity, epithets, hyperboles, new words coined by her, all have helped to change her style with life. She wrote of God, man and nature and knew love and death intimately as few ever did. This critical evaluation of her poems according to the thematic pattern reveals Emily Dickinson's honest efforts ...
Most urban people are familiar with the word Feminism, but the understanding of it remains vague and there is a general rejection of its relevance in the familial context. In reality, feminism wants you to be--whoever you are--but with a political consciousness. You want to be a feminist because you want to be exactly who you are. This book claims to be a complete guide regarding Feminism and its changing meanings. It tells you about the history of Feminism, ...
A woman is physically, emotionally and psychologically different from man. Let her build a world of her own and let man lend her a hand to do so. This volume by Dr. Neeru Tandon addresses the problems of the pluralistic societies--Indian, Canadian and Afro-American--through an inter-textual, cross-cultural analysis of novels, mostly by women writers. As a step in the radiating of self-awareness, self observation and self-appraisal for woman in general and as a ...
Margaret Eleanor Atwood is a versatile artist in the Canadian literature. This book is an assessment of Atwood's belief about the condition of women, her portrayal of women and their status in Canadian patriarchal society. She has not overestimated the problems of women but holds a mirror to actual social status of women through her female characters who are true to life. She pleads for a healthy, harmonious and balanced man-woman relationship in which two sexes ...