Showing all 3 books
The present effort to present students of this branch of sociology, that is, social psychology, contains a clear text and methodological analyses of the vital aspects. It puts social entities such as neighborhood, community, region, ethnicity, assimilation, cultural identity, and public government interface in the appropriate perspective. The text has been conveniently divided into autonomous units under the classification. The materials presented here will be of ...
The present effort to present students of this branch of sociology, that is, social psychology, contains a clear text and methodical analyses of the vital aspects. It puts social entities such as neighbourhood, community, region, ethnicity, assimilation, cultural identity, and public-government interface in the appropriate perspective. The text has been conveniently divided into autonomous units under the classification of: social psychology and policy; social ...
Experimental psychology is a rapidly developing and complex discipline in modern evolving society. The present publication attempts to provide the student of psychology as well as the researcher and laboratory personnel a clear and comprehensive picture of the basic principles, concepts and applications of experimental psychology. The presentation is lucid and the objective is clear. The subject covered include: a comprehensive analysis of the psychophysical ...