Showing all 2 books
Founded in 1907 by the visionary Bengali thinker and reformist, Ramananda Chatterjee, The Modern Review quickly emerged as a vital platform for debates on nationalism, patriotism, history and society. Alongside the leaders of the freedom movement - M.K. Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rabindranath Tagore - thinkers like Romain Rolland and J.T. Sutherland contributed to its pages. While questions of self-rule, gender justice and caste inequality ...
From Lavis meals, modern diets and cooking lessons that serve as a rite of passage to fake fasts and real ones, fish, feni and fiery meals that smack of revenge, this book has something to satisfy every palate. Gandhi's guilt-ridden account of his failed flirtation with eating meat starkly complements Ruchir Joshi's toast to the senses as he describes his characters discovering a truly alternative use for some perfectly innocent shrikhand. In unique ...