Showing all 2 books
Nisha da Cunha is widely regarded as one of India's finest short story writers. In this first volume of her collected stories, which includes five new stories, we see her at her best, writing with a sure touch and a fine degree of sensitivity about women faced with uncertainty, fear, despair and romantic longing. She uses a number of female voices--each one authentic, credible and compelling-to bring into sharp focus the inner lives and feelings of her characters ...
More than a dozen stories about loss, despair and letting go - a theme that in the hands of a writer of Nisha da Cunha's sensitivity and insightfulness, weaves grief into a rare and haunting tapestry. The other woman waiting in her cottage by the sea for her married lover; the older woman who spurns her young admirer 'for his sake', only to find after he is no more that she has banished him to a lonely life; a man and a girl obsessed with each other from afar who ...