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Panchayats are local governments mandated in the Constitution of India. As per the Constitution, a three-tier structure of Panchayats is in place across the country, excepting areas where Part IX of the Constitution does not apply. Panchayats are to be constituted, through elections every five years, except in States with a population of less than 20 lakh, where Panchayats at two tiers may be created. The Constitution recognizes the gram Sabha, i.e. all the ...
After Independence, Constituent Assembly of India has taken several steps to protect the interests of the vast tribal population of India. Based on the Bhuria Committee Report, the PESA (Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act was passed by the Parliament keeping in view the welfare and socio-economic development of the tribals.
The PESA Act gives radical governance powers to the tribal community and recognizes its traditional community rights over local ...