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Bamboo, "The poor man's timber", is one of the most important forestry species distributed throughout the India and has major contribution to the rural and national economy. Bamboo is an important livelihood for rural people and traditional workers. Apart from industrial and commercial uses, bamboo is widely used as building material and extensively used in construction of houses, walls, roofing material etc. Climate change is a immediate and ...
Forests are the plant communities and are distributed on the basis of climate, physiography, floristics and the dominants. Natural vegetation in India is predominantly one or the other type of forests. Ecological conditions favoring forest growth are availability of moisture, soil and favorable temperature and diminished biotic interferences. The present book “Forest Ecology in India” has covered both syn-ecological and aut-ecological studies in both ...
For enhancing longevity and germination/Archana Sharma.... India's forests were rich in many timber and non-timber yielding species making the natural ecosystem dynamic not only ecologically but also socio-economically. They supplied lot of materials as Non Wood Forest Products (NWFP) such as fuel wood, bamboo, grasses edible fruits, rhizomes bulbils shoots and leaves as well as in the form of most valuable medicinal and aromatic plants. The local population ...
With the growing increase in development of industrial sector, more and more forest lands are being brought under mining operation. These results in drastic changes in land use patterns. The major deleterious impacts on ecosystems are on land degradation, microbial population, ecology and vegetation, waste discharge, pollution of water and air, wildlife and its habitat, health and safety of workers etc.There is a need to develop site-specific ...