Showing all 2 books
Allelopathy is a new field of science, as the term 'Allelopathy' was coined by Prof. Hans Molisch, a German Plant Physiologist in 1937. Till now lot of Allelpathy research has been done in various fields of Agricultural and plant sciences. However, there is no compilation of various research methods used. Every scientist is conducting research in his own way. It is causing lot of problems to researchers working in underdeveloped/ Third World Countries in small ...
This book consists of 12 chapters, describing the methods to analyse various nutrients in plants. The book is divided into two sections: General and Determination of plant nutrients. The section I. General, provides very elementary and basic information about the various equipments and apparatus used to determine plant nutrients and preparation of Reagents etc. Further, methods of collecting plant samples and their digestion have been described. In Section II. ...