O P Sharma

Showing all 21 books
Present manuscript is an effort made in the direction of compiling most valuable information from numerous books and journals related with the text and chaptering classified information in the form of a book. The subject matter has been presented with illustrations at every juncture which could be appreciated by the readers. This book incorporates information on extension education, agricultural extension, sociology and rural sociology, Indian Rural Society, ...
The primary goal of agricultural extension is to assist farm families in adapting their production and marketing strategies to rapidly changing social, political and economic conditions so that they can, in the long term, shape their lives according to their personal preferences and those of the community. The task o extension, thus, s to improve interactions among actors within the agricultural knowledges system (AKS) so that farmers have optimum access to any ...
The ways and techniques of management, involve continual experimentation with new approaches to old and new problems. Good managers are not born, they are made. They are fashioned by experience and the realities of the workplace. They grow in stature and managerial skill largely from their encounters with people and problems.
We know that efficient management is essential to increase productivity, improved staff morale and motivation, and allow coordination of ...
The book provides an introductory knowledge about education extension education and agricultural extension by incorporating their definition meaning concepts objectives and principles which is basic to learners of extension education. The concepts have been depicted through adequate number of tables and figures to facilitate a structured reading and effect a functional understanding by the learners.
This book also provides basic knowledge about the concept ...
The book Fisheries Extension and Administration has been written for undergraduate and post graduate students of Fisheries and Aquaculture of ICAR and SAUs to get them acquainted with the concepts, tools and techniques of fisheries extension, communication and its channels, adoption and diffusion, programme planning in fisheries extension, fisheries extension administration, fisheries extension and information services in India, Participatory approaches in ...
The present volume is the outcome of the material generated during the course of implementation of the Population Policy Research Project entitled "Mobilization of National and State Policy Makers on Population Policy" at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. It documents learnings and experiences of implementation of the National and State Population Policies. The unique contribution of this book relates to the formulation of implementable ...
The book has been entitled as, “Abilities Variations Among Blood Groups of ST & Non-ST Samplesâ€, and it covers the elementary behaviour of genetics. The book consists of five main chapters, besides summary and references. In chapter I, a detailed introductory note on the relative influence of ecological and factors has been given. Laws of genetics have been stated in the light of available literature. The concept of racial differentiation has been ...
This book is based on an investigation which is an original piece of research, “entitled as predictors of addictive behaviour among alchol and tobacco users and non-usersâ€. It must be highlighted, that the book is not entirely an esateric enterprise, in essence the book emplicity highlighted the most recent, causal – concepted bases of addictive behaviour in general. It is not only limited to the explanation of a particular additive substance. The other ...
This catalogue contains paintings and drawings in the collection of Rasaja Foundation, New Delhi which was established in 1984 by the late Jaya Appasamy a noted artist and art critic. The Foundation is a cultural charitable society devoted to the promotion of Indian art and culture. The works of art acquired by Jaya who was very fond of collecting artifacts especially of the company period, grew into a sizeable number. This collection was ...
This book has been specifically designed to help you turn the tide in your favour in the face of odds. Each day is a fresh day - look at it with hope and enthusiasm, yesterday is over. Whatever the situation, you can make the best of things by the right approach: *If you wish to rise in your career, begin liking your work. *If you wish to excel, have a healthy approach to criticism. *If you want to scare away failures, preserve your peace of mind in the face of ...