O P Verma

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Amongst all initiatives to uplift the economies of the nations world wide globalization has been taken as the initiative of first priority. The concept of globalization has been taken by the countries in different perspectives. It is however accepted that globalization is to make a new path in the form of regulatory framework with the intention to improve and to make accessibility of goods, services exchanges and people for the development and growth of industry, ...
The ever increasing demand for quality seed requires persistent efforts from all stakeholders to ensure stability in supply chain. Critical introspection of seed production constraints felt in certain crops would help in achieving sustained seed production to match the demand so that country would be able to meet the projected food requirement for the coming decade. Since food production has to be increased significantly to meet the demand of the population which ...
A survey of traditional methods for determining profession, with many contemporary chart examples, eg, for lawyers, scientists, poets, businessmen, etc.
"Modern" Indians, like "modern" peoples everywhere, have no interest in traditions & so rarely consult astrologers. As for the traditionally-minded, most Indians, like most westerners, do not have a personal astrologer, so usually rely on recommendations from priests at the local temple. The local temple is, of course, conservative & traditional. Astrologers they recommend will be those versed in traditional Vedic astrology. The ...
Planetary aspects are the combined influence of two or more planets on a native on earth. They are harmonious or inharmonious according to lordships, natural significations and characteristics of the planets involved. Their intensity varies according to strength of planets in a particular chart. Aspects operate like conjunctions of planets. This treatise on planetary aspects is the first of its kind, equipped with vedic interpretation of conjunctions and aspects ...
Man is the most complete creation of God on our planet Earth, has been blessed by the discriminating curious mind, so he developed various methods of delineating the future. Some men adopt the astrological methods while others study the hands for the purpose. Also there is the science of omens to predict the immediate course of events. Most of such methods have evolved through the incomplete conscious mind of man, therefore chances of error are always ...
Man is the most complete creation of God on our planet Earth, has been blessed by the discriminating curious mind, so he developed various methods of delineating the future. Some men adopt the astrological methods while others study the hands for the purpose. Also there is the science of omens to predict the immediate course of events. Most of such methods have evolved through the incomplete conscious mind of man, therefore chances of error are always ...
This book is a unique, unprecedented and highly useful addition to the astrological literature of the world. The veteran author Late Shri J.N. Bhasin brought out in his inimitable logical style, the supreme necessity of the use of Dispositors. A unique and original work adding New Dimensions to Predictive Astrology. The book is a must for every Astrologer, Student or Professional.
This is a brief introductory work with impetus on the Dasa Bhukti results of various planets depending on the Iordships of various houses of a horoscope. Briefly and concisely much information is enunciated about the principles of Vimsottari or Udu Dasa system. The work is published hereby with text, translation and exhaustive notes that lime light in a lucid way the hidden meaning and principle in each verse. A very informative and instructive ...
Transit of Planets is used in astrology for précising the occurance of an event in consonance with Vimshottari Dasa system and other methods of timing of events. The transit of planets are used for pin pointing an event. The present work is an effort to delineate the transit secrets in a text book fashion.
Vedic or Indian Astrology is star studded with the great classics fo Maharishis and Acharyas. Though they followed Astrology almost on the identical principles, still they had been variant at places and introduced new principles based on their own experiences. The present work A Glimpse of Kerala Astrology is condensation of three recognized Kerala classics, Kerala Jyotisha, Kerala Sutra and Gopala Ratnakara, which are unique in their own way and ...
The results of the Karmas or deeds of one’s past lives is the destiny of this birth to a large extent and is engraved an the shape and markings of the hand as the hand is the most immediate instrument to put into practice the thoughts generated in the conscious mind by the impulses of the account of one’s past Karmas stored in one’s unconscious mind. Various diseases fatal or curable are also the ...
Vedic Astrology is studded with the alarming and stunning predictions of planetary yogas, thus yogas are really the marvels of Vedic or Hindu Astrology. Vriddha Yavana Jataka, Garga Hora and of course Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira have chapters on yogas. Next to be mentioned in the line are Jataka Parijata and Phala deepika. In this work on yogas illustrious comment by the author will definitely prove worthy in comprehending the yogas in a true ...