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This book, written in an inimitable style, gives humorous insights into some of the happenings in the higher bureaucracy and the mental agonics that trouble them the most. By drawing away the curtain of anonymity in which they prefer to live, it gives the reader a chance of seeing them as they are.
Delhi is not only the national capital and seat of the Central Govt. of India, but it has also developed into a pulsating modern industrial city. On the one hand it saw steep rise in the population after Partition, on the other hand it saw spectacular growth of industrial activity from a mere 8,000 units in 1951 to more than 85000 units in 1991. Industries have contributed in a big way to the growth of population of the city, hence it is appropriate to give ...
This is about the reflections of the past, present and future that emerge out of vibrant thoughts, reverberating in the mind and emerging as ‘distant echoes’ is a which have been penned down over the last one decade or so, column by column and week after week. A careful selection has been made out of a wide range of writings of the author in order to present the readers a full spectrum of topics, issues and problems concerning our society and people.
The role of Bhagat Singh is most significant in the long-drawn political struggle for Swaraj. His unique sacrifice, along with several associates made him the hero of the masses. Born in a family of freedom fighters, he also made up his mind to launch the struggle which indeed was very difficult and complex in every respect. The chapters have deep bearing on his life, his speeches and writings, his anti-Raj stance, his mobilisation of the comrades-in-arms, his ...