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The volume explores the musical cosmology of the Santal tribes of India. It tries to understand the manner in which the Santal people perceive sound and the extent to which the acoustic environment influences their behaviour in different socio-cultural contexts. Bearing reference to their classification of sounds into three, i.e., sade (produced by different objects as a result of collision or stroke), aran (created by human beings, or produced from musical ...
Based on empirical studies on the Santal tribes of eastern India, the volume delves into Santal classificatory system of sounds, their mode of transmission of vocabulary of sounds, and importance of material sounds, animal and bird sounds and human sounds. It deals with the functions of the different types of sounds that constitute the Santal auditory world that helps them regulate their lives and maintain harmony in society. Dr. Prasad takes up Santal perception ...
A comparative study of the Nautch forms and Nakals displayed, by males and females provide us with an understanding of the problem of the ‘private’ versus the ‘pub1ic’ arenas and of role-reversal between the sexes.Unlike tribal music where there is hardly any role for specialist or consideration of "excellence" in performance, the Laukic tradition of music in Banaras is carried from generation to generation through the formal ...