P Adinarayana Reddy

33 books
India occupies the first place in the world in terms of younger population. However, it is also true that not all the sections of the population are qualified to be the human resources. In order to mainstream this section, the Government has initied several efforts to mainstream them and to promote the employable skills and competencies so as to involve them in the economy. Inspite of these measures, the pace of the groeth of the country, involvement of the ...
Study on the performance of the Jan Shikshan Sansthans in Andhra Pradesh, India.
The book will be useful for the researchers, administrators, policy-makers and all those involved in the welfare of the tribes. An effort has been made in this book to identify the constraints coming in the way of. education of the tribes. To be specific, it presents the in schooi and out of school constraints that are affecting the participation and performance of tribes in education. The study has been conducted in Andhra Pradesh a home fot good number of ...
The book will be useful for the social scientists, functionaries of rural development, researchers, policymakers and administrators of the developmental programmes to conceive the interventions for accelerating the pace of the development of the rural India. Two thirds of our population is living in rural areas with low access to the modern facilities and basic infrastructure. In order to improve their socio-economic conditions, the Government has intervened in ...
Longevity of life expectancy gave rise to a steadily increasing number and proportion of the aged population in the society. Modernization process has initiated and altered many social values and traditions. In India, as else where, ageing has become a social problem due to the fundamental changes in the social structure. In the new context, the traditional joint family system is gradually disintegrating resulting in tie break-up of bonds of affection and ...
The National Literacy Mission with an intention to eradicate illiteracy throughout the country has launched more than 420 district total literacy campaigns. The Akshara Tapasman programme (TLC) of the Chittoor district is one among them and aimed to cover 6.25 lakhs illiterates in the age group of 9-35 years. The NFE target group i.e. 9-14 years were also included in order to stop the future inflow of illiterates in the area of adult education and also to provide ...
National literacy mission was established to promote literacy among the illiterates in the age group of 15-35 by giving priority to SC, ST and women. In view of importance of health is human capital formation, health knowledge was provided to the target along with literacy. Women play a key role in promotion of health of the family. Keeping this in view an investigation was made to know the extent of health consciousness gained by the women due to their ...
India is the second populous country in the world with 6.77 crores of tribal population. Most of the tribal people are poor, illiterate and inhibited in inaccessible forests and hilly areas. They lag behind in all spheres of life in comparison with other sections of the population. The Government of India has launched a number of schemes for the promotion of education and welfare among the tribes. In spite of these efforts the rate of literacy has not been ...
Recognizing the relationship between literacy and socioeconomic development of the country, the Govt. of India has launched total literacy campaigns in all the districts. Chittoor district is one of the districts to cover 6.25 lakh illiterates in the age group 9 to 35 years. The success of the campaign not only lies in eradication of illiteracy but also in retaining, nurturing and stabilizing it through using the same in the day-to-day activities of the target. ...
Recognising the relationship between literacy and socio-economic development, the Government of India has established the National Literacy Mission, adopted and launched the total literacy campaigns all over the country. While organising the Literacy programmes, priority was accorded to the weaker sections and women. It is believed the literacy will equip these groups to determine their future. The women constitutes half of the population and being the target ...
Recognizing the relationship between the literacy and economic development of the individual and the nation as a whole, the Government of India has implemented a number of literacy promotion programmes. However, very few attempts have been made to study the level of retention of literacy and its impact on the Socio-economic development of the individuals. Keeping this inview an attempt was made in this direction to study the level of retention of literacy over a ...
In India widowhood is not just transition from one marital status to another after the death of the husband. Entering into widowhood is more hazardous, painful and humiliating to women than to a widower because of the discrimination, ritual sanctions of the society against widows. With the result, widows in India not only suffer with social and economic sanctions but also face many psychological consequences, loneliness and in many cases deprivation causing ...
The Government of India, for the benefit of working women of lower socio-economic status established cr?che centers throughout the country. These cr?che centers are administered under National Creche fund and Central Social Welfare Board. The programme is being implemented through non-governmental agencies by providing grant-in-aid. In order to assess the performance of the programme and to provide feedback to Government, the cr?che programme was evaluated in the ...