P Arunachalam

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The study of Economic and Commercial Geography, and for that matter, General Geography, lies long been neglected in this country and yet the importance of such a study can hardly be lover-emphasised. Signs are however not wanting to show that our universities have, at last, come to realise the importance of geography in all its branches: and today it is gratifying that the subject is being given its proper place and recognition in the different university ...
Poverty eradication is one of the major objectives of planned development. The magnitude of the problem is still quite staggering. Economic growth is important. Economic growth creates more resources and has the potential of creating more space for the involvement of the poor. But the involvement of the poor depends on the sources of growth and the nature of growth. If the growth is sourced upon those sectors of the economy or those activities that have a natural ...
Retail business is one of the sectors of commerce which enables to the consumers to buy the consumable articles of their choice in the country at the reasonable rate. Retailing is not a new concept but since times immemorial vis from the ancient times, trade flourished simple because some has a surplus of good and desired goods they did not have or could not produce. The earliest traders were Cretans who sailed the Mediterranean and carried on trade with the ...
The historic Women's Reservation Bill ensuring 33 per cent reservation has been passed by Rajya Sabha on 9" March 2010. This one third reservation for women in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies finally passed. "Our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has stand that despite the many progress achieved by women in India, our women have laced enormous difficulty.” “We have also to recognize that our women faced discrimination at home, there is ...
Implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) from 1'1 January 2010, India has achieved an important milestone in pursuance of ns objective to expand ns economic and political relationship with the neighbouring nations. ASEAN consists of 10 countries namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The ASEAN-India FTA (AIFTA) is ...
One of the burning issues that have broken into the headlines during the past three years is the explosively controversial matter of Special Economics Zones (SEZs). With Government of India approving around 550 SEZ projects so far many questions are being raised regarding the relevance of these zones in the long – term economic policy of India. Hence, it would be germane to have a look at the competing arguments as any decision would have ...
The special Economic Zones (SEZs) Bill, 2005 introduced in the lok sabha by Shri kamal nath, Minister of Commission and Industry, on 9th may, 2005 and passed by the lok sabha. The SEZ act, 2005, supported by SEZ rules, came into force on February 10, 2006 and is expected to give a big thrust to exports and @Foreign Direct Investment@ (FDI) inflows into the country. The new regime is aimed at encouraging public private partnership to develop excellent ...