P C Sinha

77 books
Human rights are fundamental, inalienable, natural rights which are essential and basic to all human beings. The term implies a number of sensitive issues in its practicality and entirety. Any kind of pain, grievance or hurt to a human being can be called human right violation in its broadest sense. How these rights came to be called human rights, how they are given legal sanction, how their violation occurs and what legal actions follow are the issues which are ...
Collection of selected overview articles presented in a series of training workshops conducted over a decade.
Health and marine environment; Coastal and marine degradation; marine pollution; UNCLOS III; and Techniques of marine pollution control are the major themes, vividly x-rayed in this volume. Substantially based on the writings of learned experts in the field, this book will prove vade mecum to all the concerned.
Flood hazards, control and management; Dams and dam bursts; Tsunami and EI Nino; Water and groundwater hazards; and sea level rise etc. are the topics scientifically discussed in the present book. This book will serve as an authoritative source book for Hydrologists, marine scientists and meteorologists besides administrators in different governmental bodies.
UN has come a long way in facilitating global governance since its inception on June 26, 1945 as the international body. And in present world order UN has made itself indispensable. 50 years of its longevity and survival have attracted enormous global attention. An assessment of the evolved structure and function of this international organization would be very timely, so as to suggest possible reforms in near future, probably a reorganization of this institution ...
This book contains valuable material on Population explosion and poverty; population growth and development; Population development-environment syndrome; Habitat related problems; and reassessing population etc. This book will prove an authoritative source book.
Biodiversity extinction; Deforestation and loss of biological diversity; Biotechnology and genetic manipulation; and Biosafety and CBD are the themes scientifically discussed in the present book. Certainly, this will prove informative and useful for all the concerned.
UN has come a long way in facilitating global governance since its inception on June 26, 1945 as the international body. And in present world order UN has made itself indispensable. 50 years of its longevity and survival have attracted enormous global attention. An assessment of the evolved structure and function of this international organization would be very timely, so as to suggest possible reforms in near future, probably a reorganization of this institution ...
Earthquake; Volcanism; and Mass Movement Hazards are the topics elaborately x-rayed in this volume. Substantially based on the writings and research of distinguished scientists in the field, this volume will prove a dependable reference work.
Land degradation and land use; Drought and famines; deserts and desertification; and Groundwater over-exploitation, dryness and wildfires etc. are the major topics scientifically discussed in the present book. The book will prove an asset for environmental and agricultural scientists besides the students and academics.
UN has come a long way in facilitating global governance since its inception on June 26, 1945 as the international body. And in present world order UN has made itself indispensable. 50 years of its longevity and survival have attracted enormous global attention. An assessment of the evolved structure and function of this international organization would be very timely, so as to suggest possible reforms in near future, probably a reorganization of this institution ...
This is probably first book of its kind on wetlands of India, its management options, policy initiatives and legal formulations. It covers the areas of environmental geography and natural resource management in context of wetlands of all kinds. The book starts with introduction to the subject area, followed by the narration of its significance in context of present global environmental and ecosystem management. Wetlands in India are given full attention and are ...
Encyclopaedia of Human Rights covers the vast field of human rights at all levels, i.e. national, regional and international. It provides the readers with understanding of the vast expanse of the subject on one hand and on the other hand all important texts associated with human rights. No doubt, since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, human rights as a subject area has received an unprecedented level of global attention ...
This book entitled "India's Global Human Rights Obligations" is written with an intention to broaden the horizons of human rights education in India. Based on the level of adherence to the global human rights instruments. India has respective amount of corresponding global obligations. Like-wise this handbook is divided into three sections. Section A deals with concrete global obligations as India has been a consultative party (CP) to these ...
UN has come a long way in facilitating global governance since its inception on June 26, 1945 as the international body. And in present world order UN has made itself indispensable. 50 years of its longevity and survival have attracted enormous global attention. An assessment of the evolved structure and function of this international organization would be very timely, so as to suggest possible reforms in near future, probably a reorganization of this institution ...
This book entitled "India’s Human Rights Regime" presents a complete picture of contemporary human rights instruments in India, thus placing its legal foundations and implementation mechanism for global evaluation. Section A of this book deals with India’s most basic and direct human rights legislations, including the ones incorporated in the Indian Constitution in the form of fundamental rights duties and directive principles of state policy; its ...