P. Chowdappa

Showing all 15 books
In one place, this ready-to-use compendium summarizes the biotic diseases, insect pests, abiotic stress induced disorders and invasive and emerging threats for plantation crops production. This is an invaluable document to plant pathologists, entomologists, agronomists, soil scientists, extension personnel, growers, students, plantation consultants, regulatory authorities and other interested in the plantation crops.
There is need to shift from nutrient management to a holistic soil health management approach to unlock the stagnation in enhancing the crop productivity. This book provides a glimpse of management options derived through intense research efforts, for preserving soil health for the sustained crop productivity in plantation crops sector.
In order to popularize organic farming among the farmers, it is felt that such technologies without the use of any inorganic fertilizers and plant protection chemicals are made available to them. Though many technologies have been generated but, there continues to be considerable gap between the needs and availability. This book, “Organic Farming in Plantation Crops” written by experts in the field, covering organic farming practices of important ...
Plantation crops play an important role in the livelihood security of millions of farmers. However, they are predominantly grown in economically and ecologically vulnerable zones. Being perennial in growth pattern, plantation crops are exposed to climatic stresses and experience climate change in their life cycle. Thus, it becomes important to understand the effects of climate change on plantations and develop adaptation strategies. This book summarizes the ...
This book provides an insight into the wonderful coconut palm, traces its origin and domestication, describes the palm and its diversity, and presents the research and technology development to facilitate scientific coconut cultivation and social empowerment. The book is a treasure house of information for students, growers, researchers, developmental agencies, policy makers, and all stakeholders connected with coconut development.
The book would serve as a one-stop-shop for gaining knowledge on molecular markers, genomics, transcriptomics, in vitro culture and genetic engineering of plantation crops. This book would stimulate healthy scientific discussions and help further the research interests of plantation crops. It would serve post-graduate students, researchers and academicians, who are involved in biotechnology related aspects of plantation crops.
In keeping with advances in technologies, this book is a comprehensive and illustrated up-to-date resource on the diseases of important field and horticultural crops. This book offers full information on the causes, distribution, symptoms, epidemiology and integrated management strategies for diseases found in 30 crops. The text is illustrated with diagrams, colour photographs and tables for quick and easy understanding of the subject. It serves as source book ...
Phytophthora, “Plant destroyer”, is known worldwide for the devastating plant disease epidemics caused and coutinuing even after 170 years of Irish potato famine. The destruction of horticultural crops began in India in 1914 when EJ butler reported coconut bud rot. This book provides bounty of knowledge on Phytophthora diseases of horticultural crops in India at one edifice. Chapters include impacts of Phytophthora on horticultural crops and their ...
This book emphasis on diseaes of important plantation crop like arecanut, coconut, cocoa, tea, coffee, rubber and spices. The occurrence, distribution, economic impact, biology and pathology of causal agents, diagnosis, hostpathogen-environment interactions and integrated disease management strategies are covered. This book would serve as valuable resource for plant pathologists, horticulturists, nursery managers, teachers, students, exporters, importers, ...
It offers experimental tips for choice and preparation of selective media, isolation and culturing basic methods for morphological identification DNA isolation different market loci, DNA sequence and gel based identification separation of subpopulations genus and species-specific diagnostic markers, isozyme analysis protein profiles basics of whole genome sequence analyses and identification markers of exotic Phytophthora species. This practical guide aimed at ...
Plant pathogenic fungi were responsible for some of the worlds greatest famines and human suffering. Considering the needs of students, research scholars molecular plant pathologist and biotechnologists the book entitled "Molecular Approaches for Plant Fungal Disease Management" integrates information on technological advances made in molecular fungal pathology for effective disease management to safeguard resource poor farmers, global food and ...