P. Das

Showing all 9 books
Agronomy is a compulsory subject for the undergraduate and post-graduate students of Agriculture in Colleges and Universities of India and abroad. The crop production and post harvest technology have gradually being changed due to coming up of some inputs of Agriculture such as high yielding varieties of different crops, pesticides, fertilizers etc. to fulfil our goal of crop production, it is essential to have some sound knowledge on different aspects of ...
Horticulture is becoming an increasingly important enterprise in many agro-based economies with increasing demand for fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, beverages and spices besides medicinal and aromatic plants. The science of biotechnology has become more commercial with most of the techniques being patented. The use of biotechnology in solving many of the problems confronting the horticulture-based industries needs no emphasis. The development of the basal ...
Horticultural crops are gaining importance throughout the world not only as food or economic crops but also for their importance as raw material for value-added products and industrial uses. A comprehensive, updated information on horticultural crops, with emphasis on production technology was a long standing demand which has been met by the voluminous works in Tropical Horticulture 1 and 2. Tropical Horticulture 1 dealing with fruits, plantation crops and spices ...
Floriculture covers all the aspects related to the production and use of flowers and ornamental plants, flower seeds, bulbs, etc. Apart from the utilities of ornamental plants in outdoor gardening and interior decoration as house plants, cut-flowers and potted plants constitute an important segment of the international trade. Planting materials and dried products are also important items in the international market. The scenario of floriculture is changing very ...
Orchids are the integral parts of India's wonderful natural heritage. Because of the richness of the orchid flora, Indian subcontinent has long been a source of great attraction to horticulturists, botanists, collectors and connoisseurs. The taxonomical studies conducted long back by few eminent botanists are the only records available on native Indian orchids in the literature. In spite of the importance of orchids in modern floriculture, very little efforts ...
Trees are the largest and the most useful group in the plant kingdom. Some living for centuries. Plants particularly the trees, are the greatest contributors in sustaining life on Earth by providing enormous useful materials and creating a better environment. The maladies caused by ruthless destruction of tress and forests, especially in the tropical regions of the world are being considered as a major global threat to the existence of plant and animal life in ...
The third edition of this book has been the result of a thorough revision with updated information that was first published in 1986, reprinted in 1991 and further revised and published in 1997. Meanwhile, lot of information has been generated in the field of propagation of horticultural crops in general and micropropagation, in particular. The existing conventional propagation practices have been neither improved or new methods have been evolved and a revolution ...