Showing all 3 books
Illiteracy is an impediment both to the growth of the individual and society. The main task of literacy is to bring about a process of critical reflection that leads to action and social transformation. The motives may be more oriented towards social, political and collective aims, mainly in situations of socio-political transformation. Briefly, when an illiterate becomes literate, there is a qualitative change in his life which, in turn, leads to social ...
This book provides a comprehensive account of the effect of socialism on the agrarian caste structured society in India and in particular, Kerala.
India had reached a turning point in its long and arduous struggle for socio-economic development. In the 21 century India continues to live in villages. This make it obvious that any process of planning and development in India can hardly succeed without transferring its rural society. The approach to successive Five Year Plans envisages 'growth, equity, social justice, self-reliance, improved efficiency and productivity as its guiding principles. As a strategy ...