P Jegadish Gandhi

Showing all 13 books
Since 26 December 2004, the occurrence of natural calamites in terms of Tsunami and heavy floods has become a regular phenomenon in India. Not only did they affect the people in coastal areas, but also inhabitants in and around inland regions. During the past one year, it is evident that the extent to which a population is affected by a calamity does not purely lie in the physical component of vulnerability, but is contextual also to the prevailing social and ...
In the beginning of the 21 century the global economy shows significant structural changes with a swing of services sector’s contribution. In the process of economic development, a simultaneous growth of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in historical, but the high growth of services sector is phenomenal in recent decades. This is directly due to the development of sophistication in the information technology. Since 1980s the share of services sector in ...
Since 1991 the Indian economy, like any other economy, is pulled through the pulls and pressures of globalisation. A decadel reform shows welcome changes in industrial and services sectors and worrisome problems in social sectoral shifts. Now there is a worldwide agonising appraisal to reprioritize the development initiatives. The book is a select analytical as well as critical contribution from distinguished social economists on the contemporary issues and ...
National economic policy and programmes will create ripples in the sub-national economies at all times. In the post-reform period, Indian economy shows welcome changes in industrial and services sectors and worrisome problems in social sectoral development shifts. The edited book is an attempt to picturise the socio-economic developmental changes in the post-reform period in India. The book is broadly divided into two parts. Part A deals with the performance, ...
Passenger transportation is an important part of the overall development problem of the nation and affects in some way nearly all aspects of mobility in general. Since Independence, passenger road transport industry in India has been growing fast and has acquired considerable importance as a discrete activity with a huge growth potential. Since the 1980-s most of the state Transport Corporations have moved from profit-making areas to loss incurring zones. The new ...
Ever since Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has become President of India (July 25, 2002), he has spearheaded a socio-economic movement of igniting the young minds with positive thoughts and of propagating the "Developed India by 2020" vision with constructive mission modes. PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) is the major component of President's Dream for developed India. It differs from the conventional ideas of economic development of rural areas ...
Nation Building is a complex dynamics of ideological, philosophical, political, socio-economical and cultural impactional forces. Since Independence, the simultaneous role of public and private sectors in nation building activities was widely acclaimed as an effective socio-economic management policy in India. The Economic Reforms strategy of growth adopted in the 1990s has not benefited large segments of the population. It is acknowledged that the Government ...
The vibrant visionary thoughts with viable mission modes of President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam have now become a phenomenon in Indian public life. His autobiography, Wings of Fire, has impacted almost every Indian thought. His interactions with young people have ignited their minds to unlease their latent potent power so as to widen their positive nation building activities. Dr. Kalam envisions as empowered and developed India by 2020 through competitive and innovative ...
Debt bondage has become a borderless problematic phenomenon through the ages. Over the past 25 years (1980-2005), the magnitude of debt crisis has worsened in most of the Asian countries. The various palliative prescriptions of Economic Trinity-IMF, WB and WTO-to overcome “debt overhang†has actually fallen short of expectations with side-effects demoralizing the basic politico-economic structures and social value systems in developing countries. The Jubilee ...
The globalised economic changes is India and China have now become a global talk. The soothsayers all over the world have visualized a new Asian socio-economic order with the constellation of "the Tiger-Dragon" cluster in influencing the course and contours of the human life in the 21 century. The key question is whether India and China will be partners or rivals. If partners, how best to go beyond bilateral issues and ensure international peace, ...
Ever Since the Planning Commission (June 14, 2006) styled its Approach Paper to the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) with a caption, Towards Faster and More Inclusive Growth, the phrase "Inclusive Growth" has assumed greater significance in plan paradigm shift discussions at different levels all over the country and abroad. Inclusive growth is a welcome shift in emphasis in Plan Approach Paper, but will it mean better distribution in the globalised ...