P K Agrawal

Showing all 12 books
Naxalism is the biggest challenge to the internal security of India. The government had been fighting a pitched battle with various groups of Naxalites for more than four decades but the problem has not been solved. It is a fact that the police in various States, is trying their best to tackle Naxalite violence. Paramilitary forces have been deputed in large numbers by the Central Government in the Naxalaffected States to prevent violence perpetrated by the ...
The book ‘Land and Poverty Alleviation’ is the first comprehensive volume to remove poverty through implementation of all constituents of land reforms globally. Access to ownership of land and security of tenure can save the landless and the land poor from starvation or hunger. Implementation of land reforms doesn’t involve huge funds but requisite political and administrative will is required to implement measures of land reforms to reduce ...
This book has been written in general properties of the subject matter. This change is that paper division in the examination is different universities. One of salient course syllabi features of the present edition of the book is the inclusions of a large number of typical worked out problems which will elucidate various abstract principles and theories discussed in the text. It covers the complete syllabus of physics prescribed by technical universities. The ...
This comprehensive volume presents theoretical background of globalization making the World a better place for living and safeguarding the future generations besides reflecting its actual impact on all sections of the society in India and other developing countries in this contemporary Information Technology era.
It also warns powerful and developed nations for the ill-effects of speculation, flight of capital and market wars against weak countries.
The Story of Khajuraho is a new work on Khajuraho, a world heritage site, tracing the legendary and mystic story of union between Hemawati and the Moon. This gives the background of ideology behind the construction of the temples and approach towards erotic panels at Khajuraho. The book provides an integrated view of sculpture through four leading temples i.e Lakshmana temple, Viswanath temple, Parshavanth temple and Kandariya Mahadeva temple. The book will ...
Naxalite problem at present is the greatest threat to the internal security of India. The root cause of Naxalism is the glaring inequality in rural India based on unequal distribution of land.The book "Naxalism: Causes and Cure" is a new approach to what and why of this vexed problem of uncontrolled violence by the Naxal rebels in states like Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra, etc. ...
The book ‘Bureaucracy to Bureaucrazy’ has been written in an interesting and lucid style on different aspects of the functioning of government machinery. Each story has a separate layout of events. All the stories have been placed in such a fashion that the reader gets an idea of the functioning of the bureaucratic machinery as a whole. The bureaucratic systems all over the world, more or less, are similar in character. In this book, the mechanism of working ...
The book contains chapters on functioning of bureaucracy in India written by eminent writers like Parkinson and public-spirited bureaucrats like PC Alexander, N Vittal, PS Appu., MN Buch and MK Kaw. The book projects achievements and failures of Indian bureaucracy after independence. It is wrong to blame bureaucracy for all the ills of India as bureaucracy operates only in about 15 to 20 percent portion of the Indian Economy. It also attempts to assess the ...
The book, Motivation and Indian Bureaucracy is an analytical analysis of motivation in the context of the giant Indian bureaucracy. After dealing with the constituents of motivation, a formula has been arrived at after survey of various organizations to concretize motivation, a vague psychological factor. The line of demarcation, between a purely managerial organization and a bureaucratic organization gets blurred specially in the present day scenario ...