P.K. Gupta

Showing all 15 books
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Study Area. 3. Spatio-Temporal Variation in Population Abundance, Demographic Structure and Biomass of the Fish. 4. Food and Feeding Habits of the Fish. 5. Reproductive Biology and growth Studies on Gambusia Holbrooki. 6. Experiment to Study the Impact of Gambusia Holbrooki on Plankton Community. 7. Experiments on the Nutrients Excretion by the Fish. 8. Relationships between the density of Gambusia and Various Biotic and Abiotic ...
Environment and development are the two sides of a coin. Developmental activities e.g., industrial, agricultural, transportation, constructional work, etc., cause degradation and drastic changes in every component of environment namely, hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (soil) and atmosphere (air) through pollution. In order to recognise and predict hazardous effects of pollutants, the scientific monitoring of these environmental components is essential. For this ...
The second edition of this book provides a brief treatment of the principles of soils, as they exists and interact in the environment and concepts of fertilizer and manure along with practical aspects of their utilization. It is the author’s intent to produce compendium of informations that is equally useful to students in curricula, such as soil science, agronomy, horticulture and forestry as well as to non agricultural students of plant science, ecology, ...
Soil, Plant, water and fertilizers are the major ingredients of interest in agriculture system. Analysis of soil, plant and water as natural resources is of utmost importance in regard to conservation strategies. The fertilizers are invariably used for supplying the nutrients to growing plants. They need characterization for their balanced and judicious use. This manuscript is a compilation of some tested and widely used analytical method of characterizing soil, ...
This book is an attempt to gather related information on this aspect in a simple and practical manner so that these may utilized by all the agencies indulged in the vermicomposting whether they are scientists, worm growers, farmers, city planners, environmentalists or even house keepers. The book includes chapters like introduction, why vermicomposting, vermicomposting materials, earthworms, ways to make compost, methods of earthworm measurement which gives a ...
India is in the process of attaining higher levels of food production for matching the demand of the growing population. Much emphasis has been laid on intensive agriculture sustainable practices because of indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides has led to the deterioration of soil health, contamination of air, water and food. It is an alarming issue at global level, especially among the agricultural and environmental scientists. Therefore, ...
Environment and development are the two sides of a coin. Developmental activities e.g., industrial, agricultural, transportation, constructional work, etc., cause degradation and drastic changes in every component of environment namely, hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (soil) and atmosphere (air) through pollution. In order to recognize and predict hazards effects of pollutants, the scientific monitoring of these environmental components is essential. For this ...
Gandhian Satyagraha and non-violence struggle has a comprehensiveness that eludes the causal student Gandhiji is emerging today as one of the most essential vehicles of understanding the contemporary religious, socio-economic, political and educational problems. Satyagraha as representing as the embodiment of Gandhian concept of truth, could sum up everything that he spoke on did: "Satyagraha is Gandhi's uncompromising insistence on truth". According to ...