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The term sociology was invented by Auguste Comte to designate it the science of human association. Subsequently several other writers have given their own observations about the nature and contents of sociology. This book is designed to highlight several, methods, theory, growth, groups, society family structure and community in India. This book will prove useful to the students and researchers of sociology.
This book has been designed to highlight several issues regarding the women status in the society. The major issues regarding the position of women in Mughal India, position after independence, educational issues, policies maintained for women welfare, participation in politics, rights of women, position of working women and social structure of women have been described for the knowledge of students and researchers who are related to the field of sociology.
The spread of Indian culture was an intellectual conquest through peaceful means. It was, to start with, generally a one-way traffic. While many travellers, especially from China; came to India, there never was any attempt on their part to indoctrinate Indians in the philosophy of Confucius or of any other Chinese thinker. On the other hand, Buddhism secured a footing in China as early as the first century A.D. Enterprising merchants, adventurous young princes, ...
This book has been designed to highlight the concept of human rights in various countries. The issues of human rights philosophy, children rights, universal declaration, criminal justice administration, women rights, slavery convention, protection of disabled persons etc. have been described in brief and impressive manner to ease the readers. Only the major issues have been taken in this book for the benefit of readers, researchers and teachers.