P K Sinha

Showing all 11 books
The Twelfth Plan of the University Grants Commission has focused on access and equity, relevance and quality of education, universities and bringing about social change, delivery systems , institutional and organisational structures and management of higher education, funding, research and development. This volume studies the guidelines of the Twelfth Plan in a comprehensive manner and with a systematic approach. It has chapters that delve into guidelines for ...
Volume Title:V. 1. History of literature in English; V. 2. History of classical literature; V. 3. History of ancient literature; V. 4. History of medieval literature; V. 5. History of early modern literature; V. 6. History of British literature; V. 7. History of commonwealth literature; V. 8. History of American literature; V. 9. History of Canadian literature; V.10. History of Indian literature.
In recent time journalism has grown as a widespread industry which is working all over the world. Here is this book it is the sincere effort of the author to put the matter and facts, myths and realities all in a lucid manner. This book is designed keeping in view. The average reader and bigenners as well this book will quench the thrist of knowledge in this field is the sincer hope of the author. If it prove to be of little value to the readers all efforts and ...
India is Steadily heading towards the 21st century. The dimensions of marketing are sure to change. Consumer awareness is increasing and posing new challenges to the industry. Quality and after-sale service are likely to be given more emphasis by the manufacturers. Service sector is also adopting market-focused approach. The rural market is going through transition and has become the latest find of the marketers. Therefore, a lot of changes are expected to take ...