Showing all 3 books
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is a precious gift of nature to mankind and grown extensively in tropical climate for its delicious kernel. Though, India is the first country to exploit cashew processing and export but compared to other horticultural crops, cashew research and development was less emphasized. Also, there is no comprehensive document available in India about cashew research and development. Therefore, the present book has been compiled by ...
A vast land resource (39.54 m ha) in the country characterized as arid region is under utilized, having good potential for quality production of several horticultural crops. The horticulture can play vital role in diversification of these untapped natural resources. Despite immense potential, meager efforts have been made for sustainable production of horticultural commodities without any adverse effect on such complex-diverse-risk prone system, though the ...
Though, there is various biophysical farming constraints in arid and semi-arid regions of the country but these regions are also blessed with immense potential for production of quality fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants. Vast land resource, hardy agro-biodiveristy, easy access of agricultural laborers, better scope for utilization of solar and wind energy etc. are the other useful dimensions of these regions. However, meager efforts have ...