Showing all 6 books
About 25% of the vascular plants of India are found no where else or otherwise endemic to India. These living natural treasures are important part of our heritage. The book ‘Endemic Vascular Plants of India’ enumerates 4381 taxa (4303 Angiosperms, 12 Gymnosperms and 66 Pteridophytes) belonging to 1007 genera and 176 families. A total of 58 genera have been identified as endemic to India. Distributional maps for all the 58 endemic genera and their ...
Contents: Vol. II: 1. Leguminosae. 2. Rosaceae. 3. Saxifragaceae. 4. Vahliaceae. 5. Parnassiaceae. 6. Hydrangeaceae. 7. Grossulariaceae. 8. Crassulaceae. 9. Droseraceae. 10. Hamamelidaceae. 11. Haloragaceae. 12. Callitrichaceae. 13. Rhizophoraceae. 14. Combretaceae. 15. Myrtaceae. 16. Lecythidaceae. 17. Melastomataceae. 18. Lythraceae. 19. Sonneratiaceae. 20. Punicaceae. 21. Onagraceae. 22. Trapaceae. 23. Turneraceae. 24. Passifloraceae. 25. Caricaceae. 26. ...
First comprehensive account of the Flora of Rajiv Gandhi National Park and forms a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve located in the Western Ghats, which is one of the Biodiversity hotspots and recently declared as natural world heritage site by UNESCO. Systematic account of 1339 species, 16 subspecies and 31 varieties belonging to 757 genera under 152 families of Angiosperms, besides 30 species of Pteridophytes and 3 species of Gymnosperms have also been treated. ...
The present publication of Flora of Maharashtra State: Dicotyledones is in continuation of the Volume I published in January 2000. In the first volume, 70 families have been treated besides exhaustive introductory chapters. This second and final volume deals with the systematic treatment of 91 families (Combretaceae-Ceratophyllaceae) comprising 1319 species, 13 subspecies, 67 varieties and 4 formae belonging to 527 genera occurring in wild and also 437 cultivated ...