Showing all 6 books
As one of the world’s largest industries, tourism carries with it significant social, environmental, economic and political impacts. There is a clear and growing body of evidence that suggests that the effects of tourism development re far more complex than policy-makers usually suggest and that the impacts of tourism occur not just at the destination but at all stages of a tourists trip. Broader social and environmental changes also shape the form, growth ...
There has been an upmarket trend in the tourism over the last few decades. Tourists have high levels of disposable income considerable leisure time are well educated and have sophisticated tastes. There is now a demand for a better quality products which has resulted in a fragmenting of the mass market for beach vacations people want more specialised versions quieter resorts family oriented holidays or niche market targeted destination hotels. The developments ...
Indian tourism has vast potential for generating employment and earning large sums of foreign exchange besides giving a fillip to the country’s overall economic and social development. Much has been achieved by way of increasing air seat capacity, increasing trains and railway connectivity to important tourist destinations and increasing availability of accommodation by adding heritage hotels to the hotel industry and encouraging paying guest accommodation. ...
Tourism planning is goal oriented striving to achieve certain objectives by matching available resources and programmes with the needs and wants of people. Successful tourism planning and development means serving both tourists and local residents. This book stress the importance of a market orientation for attracting and serving tourists. This market orientation must be balanced with a clear view of how tourism serves the broader community interest and an ...
The tourism and hospitality sector is one of the largest components of the global economy. In recent years the comprehensive atmosphere of the sector has undergone extensive changes worldwide. The traditional face of the sector has been exposed to numerous acts of terrorism and even more recently historical natural disasters. Although these recent tragedies have significantly altered the tourism and hospitality industry the sector nevertheless remain as one of ...
Tourism and recreation have grown exponentially over the past decades. They bring income and jobs, increased understanding of other cultures, preservation of cultural heritage and investments in infrastructure. However, some forms of tourism and recreational activities destroy habitats, degrade landscapes and increase competition for scarce resources and services. The need for sustainable tourism has been recognised at the interational level. Achieving ...