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The author has taken immense pains to high light facts how human interference associated with natural calamities are responsible in altering the morpho-ecological conditions of Sundarban Delta (covering the district of 24 parganas lying between 21 degree 32' and 22 degree 51' N latitude and 88 degree 2' and 89 degree 6' longitude).The growing human population followed by huge population influx during partition of Bengal into East Pakistan (1947) ...
The author has further enlightened how under stressed condition fish and other biological organisms are surviving which results a progressive decline in fish population and fish food organism. The book highlights detailed information on various aspects of the past and present status of the Ganga river system like--high rate of deforestation, recurring annual silt precipitation indicated by high value of shape factor, reduced water holding capacity of the river, ...
Susruta Samhita, the Ayurvedic classic of Dhanvantai school though basically a study of surgical treatment, concerns in addition, origin of life, analysis of constituent elements of vegetable and animal substances taken as food as well as drugs, and theories and practices relating to origin of human diseases and their treatment. The present monograph is an evaluation of the Susruta Samhita in two parts: texts and tables. Theories and practices mentioned in the ...
The complicated system of reservoirs (largely used for various purposes) existing in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the country-such as sources of reservoirs, their groupings, rheology, eco-morphological events following reservoir formation, deforestation resulting heavy siltation, various limnological aspects and transformation of energy affecting the production potentiality are the major chapters highlighted in this book. Fishery potentials in such ...