Showing all 7 books
The book emphasizes on the geological importance of the Himalaya amongst its surrounding mountain ranges. The Himalayan and Alpine ranges merge with the Pamir knot and hence the tectonics and structure of the Pamirs is significant. The region of Northern Pakistan (Karakorum) is critical to understand the development of collision zone of the Indian and Tibetan shield areas. Possible linkage between the Peninsular and the Himalayan Precambrian belts covers the ...
The volume is mainly focussed on structural and metamorphic characteristics of the Himalayan rocks exposed in various sectors of the Himalaya. The peridotites in the Spongtang nappe of Ladakh are mylonitised and occur in superposed imbrications. The regionally metamorphosed pelitic rocks of a part of Kashmir show low pressure, intermediate and medium pressure of metamorphism. The Buniyar granite is an intrusive plunton in the Dogra Slates (Precambrian) in the ...
The Volume consists of modern researches on the Himalayan Mountain Geology by eminent and active geoscientists of India and abroad. The formation of the Himalaya is a result of collision tectonics and the rock-material from the deep interior was exhumed for about 40 km and was horizontally transported for about 200 km along the main Central Thrust. Historically the development of Himalayan geology was adversely affected due to World War I and II but notable ...
Now Fourth Volume is in your hands. The response of the previous volumes was very encouraging and in this volume the contributions are complimentary to the research papers of the previous volumes and many new concepts pertaining to Himalayan evolution, glaciation, micro-palaeontology, seismicty, geochemistry geomorphology, stratigraphy and age data by distinguished geoscientists are incorporated.
Elements of tectonics are briefly described. Principles of plate tectonics and types of plate margins are dealt with in the book. What are the causes for plate movements and mid-oceanic ridges are also included. How the Himalaya was evolved in various states of uplift and northward drift of India are some important aspects. The tectonic architecture, various structural zones and models of metamorphism are included in the book. The Himalaya is seismically active ...
Marine sedimentary units in the lower Shyok area were deposited during early to late Cretaceous time (Aptian -Albian) in transgressive and regressive cycles. Abundance of freshwater gastropods and fishes indicate an entity of a river, in the Kashmir valley. The Himalayan foothill zone witnessed neotectonic activity. The Higher Himalayan Crystallines in Garhwal consists of pelites, psammites; granodiotire, granodiorite, granite and basalts. Rocks of ...
The book is devoted to the technical terminology of structural and tectonic geology. The book elucidates the definitions of the fundamental terms with suitable illustrations citing Indian examples wherever possible. It is hoped that the book would be useful to the students and teachers of Geology at various levels.